On February 2, 2015, Pope Francis preached on the World Day for Consecrated Life, saying “For a Religious, to progress means to place themselves in service, that is, to follow the same way of Jesus, ‘who did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped…’ Through this ‘law’ the consecrated can attain wisdom, which is not an abstract attitude but is the work and gift of the Holy Spirit…creative in joy, in wisdom.” The archives and museum are introducing a new series, “A Given Life,” to highlight University of Portland figures who served the Church and UP through their vocation. The first post in this series features the legendary Rev. Maurice Rigley, C.S.C., at https://wordpress.up.edu/museum/a-given-life-rigley/.
Contact Carolyn Connolly, museum coordinator, at piatz@up.edu or 8038 for more information.