The shift to remote courses has given us the opportunity to revisit how we support student learning in our classes and other academic learning assistance programs. In this TLC blog entry, Jeffrey White shares collaborative learning techniques and learning strategies that peer-assisted learning facilitators deploy in the Learning Commons new PAL program. These same techniques […]
TLC from the TLC
TLC Tip of the Week: Difficult Conversations and Liberal Arts Ideals
During a challenging time in a challenging year many of us may be having difficult conversations in the classroom (or in other spaces). While there is no magic formula for making those conversations into constructive educational opportunities, there are lots of possible recipes. With suggestions and links to resources, this week’s Teaching and Learning Collaborative […]
TLC From The TLC: Literary Thoughts for Covidian Times
As the distanced Fall 2020 semester enters its eleventh week, the spirits of UP professors may be low. For this week’s Teaching and Learning Collaborative post, Lars Larson offers this link of quotations drawn from literature for reflecting on our aims and our selves. For more information contact Larson at
TLC From The TLC: Trauma-Informed Teaching Resources
Most of us are spending more time on camera than ever before, while teaching and learning via Zoom and other platforms. According to Melanie Gangle, accessible educational services, many students, both with and without disabilities, are experiencing significant difficulties remaining on-camera for the entire duration of live class meetings. This can be due to issues […]
TLC From The TLC: Learning Commons’ New PAL Program
While faculty across the country plan courses, teach, and meet with students during office hours, there are nationally thriving peer-assisted learning communities of practice from which educators can learn or revisit approaches for engaging students in higher education. Learning Commons director Jeffrey White shares the first of a two-part series on how the Learning Commons’ […]
Much-Needed TLC From The TLC
A message from Jeffrey White and the Teaching and Learning Collaborative: “We’ve all been in a crunch over the past week and a half as the spread and unknown reach of the Coronavirus sent us all on many directions. Here are some basic ideas to consider as we navigate teaching online. Please use this link.
TLC From The TLC: Accessible Education Services Resources
Does it seem like you have more students in your classes who have an Accessible Education Services (AES) accommodation plan? Your intuition is correct, and it’s not just you, according to AES manager Melanie Gangle. Accessible Education Services is experiencing slow but steady growth, and is currently serving over 350 students with disabilities. This equals […]
TLC Tip of the Week: Meet With a Librarian
Could students in your classes use some extra assistance with finding good sources for their papers or presentations? Or maybe you would appreciate some literature searching leads for your own research project. Make an appointment using this link to meet with a librarian! Appointments are a great way for you or your students to get […]
TLC From The TLC: Welcome To The Study
When students come to the Learning Commons for content tutoring, they often could use more work on how to study in general as well as the content area. How one approaches studying in one discipline varies from other disciplines, and how one approaches studying often impacts the grade earned by a student. The Learning Commons […]