The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship (TAS) has determined award recipients for the Butine Faculty Development Fund Fall cycle, according to committee chair Diane Sotak, library. Butine award recipients are: Lauren Berger, RISE-UPPP: Research Involving the Systematic Evaluation of an Underrepresented Psychologists Pipeline Program ($5000) Itzel Cruz Megchun, Design competencies futures ($3700) Katie Danielson, Literacy Research Association Conference, […]
Teaching & Scholarship Committee
2020 Faculty Development Day Proposals Welcome
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship welcomes proposals to lead sessions on Faculty Development Day, May 5, 2020, around a particular theme. Interested faculty should submit a 1-2 page proposal identifying the keynote speaker and breakout panels for session one of Faculty Development Day. Sessions later in the day may remain open as opportunities for […]
Presentation by 2018 Scholarship Award Winner, Feb. 22
Alexandria “Allie” Hill, international languages and cultures, the 2018 recipient of the Faculty Award for Scholarship, will share her thoughts in a talk titled “Feminist Scholarly Practice” on Friday, February 22, at 4 p.m., in Franz Hall room 231. All staff and faculty are invited and light refreshments will be provided. For more information, contact […]
Teaching and Scholarship Fall Calendar Available Now (updated room locations)
The fall calendar for the Teaching and Scholarship Committee is now available at this link, according to Hannah Callender Highlander, mathematics. There you will find information and deadlines for Butine Scholarships and more. For more information contact Highlander at
TLC From The TLC: Student-Athlete Concerns?
UP is a relatively small NCAA Division I school, meaning that we have a proportionately large population of student-athletes: as such, most faculty and academic staff have athletes in our classes at some point. Do those students bring any particular needs or assets when it comes to thinking about mental health? In another installment of his […]
Submit Butine Proposals Through Moodle
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship cordially invites all regular faculty to submit proposals to receive funding from the Arthur Butine Faculty Development Fund. Faculty can download Butine application materials, review selection criteria, and consult the timeline for applications using this link. Submission of post-Butine reports, new Butine applications, and all supporting letters are now […]
Faculty Development Day 2016
Given the success of previous year’s concentrations around specific themes, the Committee on Teaching and Scholarship welcomes proposals to lead Faculty Development Day on May 3, 2016, around a particular theme. Interested faculty should submit a 1-2 page proposal identifying the keynote speaker and breakout panels for session one of Faculty Development Day. Sessions later […]
Submit Butine Proposals Through Moodle
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship invites all regular faculty to submit proposals to receive funding from the Arthur Butine Faculty Development Fund. Faculty can download Butine application materials, review selection criteria, and consult the timeline for applications by visiting Submission of post-Butine reports, new Butine applications, and all supporting letters are now done […]
Faculty Development Day Proposals Due Jan. 30
Given the success of last year’s concentration around teaching ethics across the curriculum, the Committee on Teaching and Scholarship welcomes proposals to lead Faculty Development Day on May 5, 2015, around a particular theme. Interested faculty should submit a 1-2 page proposal identifying the keynote speaker and breakout panels for session one of Faculty Development […]
Spring 2015 Teaching and Scholarship Calendar
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship (TAS) has released its Spring 2015 calendar of deadlines, according to committee chair Lauretta Frederking, political science. Butine Awards: Butine call sent out: January 12 Deadline for faculty to submit applications to department chairs, dean, and chair of Committee on Teaching and Scholarship: Feb. 6, no later than noon […]