The Clark Library Digital Lab will present several workshops this semester. Topics will include: Arduinos for Beginners: Workshop attendees will explore the basic functionality of Arduino microcontrollers and use online coding software to create simple programs. Virtual Reality (VR): Participants will be able to use an HTC Vive VR headset and controllers during this drop-in session to gain an […]
Teaching and Learning Collaborative
TLC From The TLC: Mental Health Services for Students
As faculty and students return for the winter months of our “Spring” semester, the Teaching and Learning Collaborative hopes some might find it useful to get a primer (or, more optimistically, a reminder) about mental health services for students on campus. See the TLC blog for an overview of the who, what, where, when, and why of […]
TLC From The TLC: On Teaching Students How to Learn Your Discipline
If professors are finding that students in class aren’t learning, one remedy is to make sure we’ve made time to teach them how. In this week’s Teaching & Learning post, Lars Erik Larson summarizes two easy ways we can make our assignments and our fields more accessible and transparent to undergraduates, particularly first-generation and non-traditional students.
TLC from the TLC: Where To Turn for Student Help, Concerns
This week, as a third installment in the Teaching and Learning Collaborative blog series on mental health information for faculty and academic staff, meet the new and returning professional psychologists at the UP Health and Counseling Center. When we have concerns about students, who are the professionals that might help us know what to do, and who […]
TLC Tip of the Week: See It Right Here!
As the year gets underway, all faculty are reminded that the Teaching and Learning Collaborative exists to provide a range of resources and tips to help us hone our teaching craft. Each week, upbeat will publish a Tip of the Week; these will be archived in the very searchable TLC website, There you will find […]
TLC from the TLC: Don’t Forget to Play in Your Classroom
As instructors, at some point we were taught to “put away childish things.” But if this included play, then we’re missing out on a powerful resource for the classroom. For this week’s Teaching & Learning feature, Lars Erik Larson uses Steven Johnson’s new book, Wonderland: How Play Made the Modern World, to help faculty to consider the role of […]
TLC from the TLC: Making Thinking Visible Through Questions
Before the Learning Commons initiated tutor training across its programs, peer assistants commonly did more explaining and less asking. Nowadays, questions increasingly play a major role in peer assistance sessions. How might this peer assistant training topic in the Learning Commons transfer to faculty teaching and interactions with students? How can questioning transform our students’ […]
TLC from the TLC: Quick Tips for University Design for Learning
Would you like to increase the pathways through which your students interact with your course material? These quick tips from Inside Higher Ed for incorporating Universal Design for Learning into your course design are tried and tested. By implementing some UDL strategies, you will not only save time (by reducing the number of after-the-fact accommodations needed), you […]
TLC Teaching Tip of the Week: Breaking the Cramming Cycle
The middle of midterm season forces us to come to grips with the fact that many students resort to cramming for exams. It seems to work well enough, but two days later it’s as if learning the material never happened. Employ the tools of recency, frequency, and potency to help students cram less and remember more. […]
TLC from the TLC: It’s About Time
Welcome to the fifth week of the semester. By this time, students are dealing with the reality of just how much they still have to do for their courses. Those who successfully navigate their busy course loads will likely have developed approaches to managing their time and learning. In the newest Teaching and Learning Collaborative […]