With the new school year officially and remotely launched, this is a good time to make sure you know where to find answers for your teaching and learning questions, especially those related to remote instruction. Colleagues were busy throughout summer leading workshops for each other, testing out new digital tools, and sharing wisdom about self-care. […]
Teaching and Learning Collaborative
TLC From The TLC: Brown Bag Session on Feb. 12
In the fog of the semester, we all can use some small teaching interventions to refresh our work with students. Join Lars Larson and Jeffrey White at this TLC brown bag event on Wednesday, February 12, 11:30-12:15, in the Murphy Room as they present ten suggestions for intentional teaching drawn from a variety of practitioners and […]
TLC Brownbag Session: “Ten Suggestions to Re-Vitalize Your Mid-Semester Teaching”
In the fog of the current semester, we all can use some small teaching interventions to refresh our work with students. Join Lars Larson and Jeffrey White at this TLC brown bag event on Wednesday, February 12, 11:30-12:15 p.m., in the Murphy Room as they present ten suggestions for intentional teaching drawn from a variety of practitioners […]
TLC From The TLC: One Strategy For Quelling Late Work Headaches
If students wanting or needing to turn in late work adds to your stress, consider offering a “Make-Up Work Day:” one 24-hour period, late in the semester, when students can turn in any assignment(s) they have missed, for up to full credit. This lets you off the hook for judging the truthiness of excuses, negotiations […]
TLC Teaching Tip of the Week: Feeling Any Finals Stress?
How much of the stress students (and faculty and staff) feel during finals is rational? How much might it help our collective mental health to identify the points where our stress is irrational? This encore essay on Cognitive Distortions and Irrational Beliefs: Students, Faculty and Finals offers some ideas from the types of cognitive-behavioral techniques used in […]
TLC Teaching Tip of the Week: Using “Backward Design” to Plan Lessons
In this IGNITE-funded video, education professor Julie Kalnin talks with Karen Eifler about using an orientation called “Backward Design” to plan lessons that foster deeper understanding rather than passive memorization. It is a good complement to Jeffrey White’s IGNITE video on course design and Terry Favero’s on painless formative assessments.
TLC Brownbag Lunch Session, This Tuesday, Nov. 12
The Teaching & Learning Collaborative will offer a bring-your-own-brownbag lunch conversation around “Navigating Worrying Conversations and Troubling Nonverbal Behaviors with Students” in the Murphy Room from 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., this Tuesday, November 12, facilitated by Sarina Saturn, psychological sciences. This session will contain information about real-life experiences of students and the Academic Network for […]
TLC Teaching Tip of the Week: Designing Courses That Enhance Learning
Just in time to start thinking about your spring course planning, Jeffrey White, Learning Commons, offers 7 minutes of advice answering the question“What Course Design Principles Enhance Student Learning?” in this IGNITE-funded video.
Teaching Tip of the Week: TeachUP Video on Writing in ANY Discipline
Thanks to an IGNITE grant, the Teaching and Learning Collaborative created 10 short videos that will roll out over the next 10 weeks. Taught by accomplished teachers from all over campus, each is 7-10 minutes long and addresses a topic identified by colleagues as high-value in anyone’s teaching repertoire. This week we are pleased to […]
TLC From The TLC: New Blog Post
Online resources that support basic and reflective teaching are a great addition to the University of Portland’s teaching and learning initiatives, according to Jeffrey White, international languages and cultures. In this week’s Teaching and Learning Collaborative blog post, White profiles Carnegie Mellon University’s Eberly Center website and its approach to addressing specific teaching strategies for […]