Faculty members who have not had a chance to respond to the Committee on Faculty Welfare’s survey about issues and areas of concern still have time to do so—the timeline for submitting feedback has been extended until Monday, January 26. The survey is available at http://tinyurl.com/pxyecd5. Survey responses are completely anonymous; faculty may also omit […]
Tamar More
Faculty, we need your feedback!
The University is asking faculty to complete two surveys. The Committee on Faculty Welfare requests feedback from UP faculty about issues and areas of concern. They can speak with the administration on behalf of the UP faculty. Please respond to the following anonymous survey by Friday, December 19: https://uportland.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_eDNOR12i7u5W17f For more information, please contact Tamar More, physics, […]
Faculty Welfare Committee Seeking Feedback
The Committee on Faculty Welfare requests feedback from UP faculty about issues and areas of concern. The committee is gathering information in order to speak with the administration on behalf of the UP faculty. Please respond to the following anonymous survey by Friday, December 19: http://tinyurl.com/plpzqmt. Those who have questions about the survey are asked […]
Next Faculty Welfare Committee Meeting on October 30
The Faculty Welfare Committee’s next meeting is on Thursday, October 30, according to chair Tamar More, physics. The Faculty Welfare Committee is the official vehicle whereby policies concerning faculty salary, fringe benefits, and working conditions are to be brought to the University administration. The committee serves as a negotiating team to work directly with the administrative offices […]
Faculty Welfare Meetings
The Faculty Welfare Committee has two meetings coming up, according to committee chair Tamar More, physics. The committee will meet on Tuesday, April 1 with president-elect Fr. Mark Poorman, C.S.C., for a general conversation regarding faculty priorities and concerns. On Thursday, April 3, the committee will meet with Tom Greene, Bobbi Lindahl, and Matt Baasten […]
Faculty Welfare Committee Meeting, Feb. 4
The Faculty Welfare Committee’s next meeting will take place on Tuesday, February 4, according to committee chair Tamar More, physics. The committee welcomes issues from faculty; in particular, at this meeting they will be discussing the faculty handbook, senate by laws, and other topics. Any concerns, suggestions, or comments regarding summer classes, or any other […]
Faculty Welfare Committee
The Faculty Welfare Committee’s next meeting will take place on Monday, December 2, according to committee chair Tamar More, physics. The committee welcomes issues from faculty; in particular, at this meeting they will be discussing UP’s summer program. Any concerns, suggestions, or comments regarding summer classes, or any other matter, can be brought before the […]
Faculty Welfare Committee Meeting, Nov. 11
The Faculty Welfare Committee’s next meeting is on Monday, November 11, according to Tamar More, physics. University provost Tom Greene will be joining attendees at this meeting, and members welcome issues from faculty. The Faculty Welfare Committeee is the official vehicle whereby policies concerning faculty salary, fringe benefits and working conditions are to be brought […]
Faculty Welfare Committee Meeting
The next meeting of the Faculty Welfare Committee will take place on Monday, September 30, according to Tamar More, physics. The committee welcomes input from faculty. The Faculty Welfare Committee is charged with: Serving as the official vehicle whereby policies concerning faculty salary, fringe benefits, and working conditions are to be brought to the University […]