VoteUP and DB Faculty Fellow for Constructive Dialogue Anne Santiago invite you to a series of events to prepare you for the election season. We hope you join us for one or all events and encourage you to become actively involved in supporting democratic engagement! (Read More).
Political Science
Constitution Day, Citizenship Day, Sept. 17: Resources, Information
On September 17, 1776, the delegates to the Constitutional Convention met for the last time to sign the document they had created, the US Constitution. In 2004, the US Congress mandated that any educational institution that receives Federal funding is required to hold educational programming about the US Constitution. This commemoration had its origin in […]
2020 Mazzocco Lecture: “American Hate: Survivors Speak Out,” Feb. 6
The annual Mazzocco Lecture on Distributive Justice will take place on Thursday, February 6, at 5 p.m., in the Brian Doyle Lecture Hall (DB 004). This year’s lecture, “American Hate: Survivors Speak Out,” will be delivered by Arjun Sethi, a human rights lawyer, author, and law professor based in Washington, DC. He works closely with Muslim, Arab, […]
Constitution Day Lecture, Sept. 17: Nick Buccola
The political science department will present its annual Constitution Day Lecture on Tuesday, September 17, 5 to 6:30 p.m., in Dundon-Berchtold room 004. Professor Nick Buccola of the Linfield College political science department will give a talk about Frederick Douglass’s constitutional theory. Frederick Douglass, of course, is the 19th century American statesman and political thinker who escaped slavery to […]
Mazzocco Lecture: The Black Struggle for Freedom, Feb. 4
William Chafe, emeritus professor of history at Duke University, presents this year’s Mazzocco Lecture on Distributive Justice on Monday, February 4, at 7:15 p.m., in Franz Hall room 120. In his talk, “The Black Struggle for Freedom: What Black Protest Has Achieved, Yet How Much Remains to Be Done,” Chafe will shine a light on […]
Zachary Price Lecture, “Constitutional Law in a Polarized Era,” Oct. 3
Zachary Price of the University of California, Hastings College of the Law, will present “Constitutional Law in a Polarized Era” on Wednesday, October 3, at 5 p.m., in Franz Hall room 120. His lecture is free and open to all. Before entering academics, Price served for three years as an attorney in the Office of Legal […]
Lara-Zuzan Golesorkhi To Be Honored by UN, Sept. 22: Come Watch!
Lara-Zuzan Golesorkhi, political science, will join a group of more than 40 United Nations Global Fellows from 33 countries who are being featured at a Global Summit at the UN and recognized for their work in their communities on Saturday, September 22. Golesorkhi will be attending the event at the UN that day, but her […]
Annual Mazzocco Lecture in Distributive Justice: Robert S. Chang, March 8
The 2018 Mazzocco Lecture in Distributive Justice will take place on Thursday, March 8, at 5 p.m., in Franz Hall room 120. This year’s speaker will be Robert S. Chang, professor of law & executive director of the Fred T. Korematsu Center for Law and Equality at Seattle University School of Law. His lecture is […]
Constitution Day Lecture with Bill Curtis, Sept. 19
The 2017 Constitution Day presentation will take place on Tuesday, September 19, at 7:30 p.m., in Franz Hall room 120. Bill Curtis, political science, will be speaking about significant constitutional cases that are up for consideration by the Supreme Court. The title will be “Travel Bans, Cell Phone Searches, and Wedding Cakes: The Supreme Court’s […]
Annual Mazzocco Lecture in Distributive Justice, Feb. 23: David Schmidtz
Philosopher David Schmidtz will deliver “Markets in Education,” as the 2017 Mazzocco Lecture in Distributive Justice, on Thursday, February 23, at 5 p.m., in Shiley Hall 301. Schmidtz is Kendrick Professor of Philosophy and Eller Chair of Service-Dominant Logic at the University of Arizona, ranked as the top graduate program in the world in political philosophy. He is editor of Social […]