The public safety office will present a “Personal Preparedness and Disaster Response” brown bag lunch on Monday, June 23, in Buckley Center room 163. All campus members are welcome to come and learn about personal preparedness tips in response to any type of disaster. Environmental health and safety officer Jeff Rook will be presenting from noon to 1 p.m. For more information contact Rook at 7161 or
Jeff Rook
Emergency Response Training: Are You Ready for a Disaster?
The University of Portland Campus Community Emergency Response Team (CCERT) offers emergency response training for all faculty, staff, and students, according to Jeff Rook, public safety. Volunteers are trained by the University’s CCERT trainers and Portland Fire and Rescue to provide emergency disaster assistance on campus and in the immediate surrounding neighborhood. Public safety offers CCERT classes at no cost to people who live or work at the University of Portland. Participants attend a total of 24 hours of hands-on training. Classes are on Wednesdays, 4:30-7:30, starting January 29 in Buckley Center room 314. For more information and online registration clink on this link. For more information contact Rook at 7161 or
New Designated Smoking Areas
Beginning January 1, the University will have six designated smoking areas on campus. These six areas are located in easily accessible places on campus, and smoking will not be allowed outside of these six designated areas. See this campus map for the designated smoking area locations:
These new designated smoking areas were created in response to requests and concerns from the Presidential Advisory Committee on Health and Safety, the ASUP student government, and other members of the University community. Please respect others and use these areas as the sole smoking locations on campus.
For questions and comments, please contact Jeff Rook, public safety, at
Want To Save Lives?
The Presidential Advisory Committee on Health and Safety and the athletics office are offering free cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated external defibrillator (CPR/AED) training classes on July 11 and July 12, according to Jeff Rook, public safety. Come learn how to save lives. The class will be from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Buckley Center room 310. The class is free to all faculty and staff with limited space available. Registration for the class can be done at Select the day that works best for your schedule. For more questions contact Rook at or 7161.