The U.S. State Department’s International Education Week (IEW) is November 16-20 and will be hosted by the University of Portland International Club, according to Rebecca Seibert, international education, diversity, and inclusion. The slogan for this year’s International Education Week is “Alone Together.” We want to emphasize that even though we cannot be together in person, […]
International Club
Cultural Art Gallery Submissions Welcome
The International Club would love to see your artwork for its Cultural Art Gallery. The gallery is one of the events of International Education Week (IEW). It is open to all UP community: students, faculty, staff, and alumni. We are hoping this exhibition to be able to connect UP community and let people learn various […]
International Education Week, Nov. 17-21
All faculty, staff, and students are invited to consider participating in International Education Week (IEW) 2014, observed November 17-21 and hosted by the UP International Club in collaboration with international student services, international languages and cultures, ASUP, and other student clubs. Throughout the week of IEW, the planning committee will be hosting and promoting events […]