The information services office has purchased a campus-wide security software package that protects laptops and MacBooks from theft. Once downloaded, FrontDoor Security Software will protect devices for four years. University owned laptops are required to be protected, and employees may download the software on personal laptops as well. Installing the software is fast and easy. […]
Information Services
Time To Order Fall 2014 Software
Information services will begin creating the computer classroom and lab software builds for the 2014 fall semester in April. A software build is applied to all computers in the requested location and contains a set of applications that the students require access to in order to complete their coursework. The computer classroom and lab software […]
Farewell Party For Brian Toole, March 27
Information services will be saying farewell to Brian Toole on March 27, according to Lisel Stancil, web and enterprise services. Brian worked as a student employee in information services prior to joining the team as a full time employee in 2007 when he graduated from UP’s computer science program. Brian is leaving UP to join […]
Celly: UP Private Social Networking
All are welcome to stop by the Library Classroom on Wednesday, February 19, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., to learn more about Celly, the student-led network that is changing our campus, according to Ann Harris, information services. This is a great chance to visit with the Celly team and meet faculty, administrators, and students […]
National Data Privacy Month: Do You Know Your Privacy IQ?
February is National Data Privacy month. The information services office is committed to a safe and secure computing environment and encourages all UP computer users to do their part to keep private information secure. For some great tips on how to keep personal data safe please visit: Want to know your Privacy IQ? Take […]
Windows XP Retiring Soon
On April 8, 2014, Microsoft will end support for the decade-old Windows XP operating system. This means UP will no longer receive updates, including security updates, for Windows XP from Microsoft. Support of Microsoft Office 2003 will also be ending on the same date. Information services is committed to providing a highly secure computing environment […]
Mobile App Vendor Sessions
The administration has heard the message: students want mobile application functionality at UP. The President’s Advisory Council on Information Technology has appointed a sub-committee to identify the needs and goals of mobile applications and/or websites. This is a time of transition for mobile technology, so the focus of this group is the long term. In […]
Campus Alert Test, Nov. 5
The University of Portland is committed to comprehensive, real-time communication in the event of a campus emergency including natural disasters, weapons-bearing individuals, and other situations that pose an immediate threat to the security and safety of those on campus. UPAlert is an automated communication system that simultaneously sends voice, text, and e-mail messages to all […]
Cyber Security Awareness
October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month. As we continue to increase internet use throughout all aspects of our lives, we need to be even more aware of potential threats to information security. The information services division is committed to raising awareness across campus to ensure a safe and secure computing environment. In recognition of […]
Welcome, Lynda
The information services team is proud to offer to the University community, according to Sam Williams, academic technology services. is free to University faculty, staff, and students, who will receive unlimited access to a vast library of high quality, current, and engaging video tutorials. New courses and topics are added every week. To […]