Information services has upgraded the FileUP website (, which now provides access to home folders (P: drives) as well department folders (U: drives) through a web interface. Users can reach the site through Pilots and the Go portal. The new version includes a mobile/touch interface. It should detect users’ devices and use the mobile interface […]
Information Services
Time To Order Fall 2015 Software
Information services will begin creating computer classroom and lab software builds for the 2015 fall semester in April, and must receive software requests no later than Friday, April 3 in order to be included. Computer classroom and lab software builds start from a blank slate, so any software that was available in the previous term […]
Your Voice Matters: Office 365 Evaluation and Demo
Information services is exploring Microsoft Office 365 as a comprehensive set of collaboration tools for staff, faculty, and students at the University of Portland. Feedback from the campus community is an important part of the process of exploring new tools and services to best meet campus needs. All are welcome to check the website at […]
Dial “6” To Get Out, Starting March 18
On Wednesday, March 18, the University will change the number to dial for an outside phone line from 9 to 6. After that date, callers will no longer be able to get an outside line by dialing 9. This change is being enacted in an effort to reduce inadvertent 911 calls. For any questions or […]
WordPress Wednesdays Start Feb. 18
Academic technology services will offer a new weekly lab to to help UP community members work on their WordPress sites. Starting Wednesday, Feb 18, come by the information services training lab in Franz Hall room 010 to get help with websites or blogs. Technicians will cover posts, pages, menus, widgets, headers, themes, and anything else […]
Tech Talk Podcast: Transcontinental Tutoring
The University recently expanded its study-abroad options for engineering majors from a short week during the summer term to a full spring semester in Salzburg, Austria. Engineering students have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the culture and language of Austria while staying on track to graduate with their classmates by taking advantage of courses […]
Energy Trust Rewards UP For Upgrades, Sustainability Efforts
As part of information services efforts to centralize infrastructure management and lower costs, technical services has successfully virtualized a majority of campus servers and desktop infrastructure. This results in a more easily maintained environment with significantly lower energy usage in UP’s data center and at the desktop, a major step in the right direction for […]
ATS Workshop: Introduction to the Moodle Grade Book
Academic technology services will offer face-to-face training workshops in the dedicated training lab located in Franz Hall. The first of these will be a Moodle workshop covering the basics of the Moodle grade book on Monday, January 26, from 11 a.m. to noon, in Franz Hall room 010. Many faculty members are busy getting their […]
Locked Out? Fix It Yourself!
Information services has launched a new self-service password reset application. All users must enroll in order to use this new tool, which will require updating their security profile by adding an alternate e-mail contact and setting up security questions. This takes just a few minutes to complete. The new app offers a convenient way to […]
New Self-Service Password Reset App: Please Enroll
Information services has launched a new self-service password reset application. All users must enroll in order to use this new tool, which will require updating your security profile by adding an alternate e-mail contact and setting up your security questions. This takes just a few minutes to complete. The new app offers a convenient way […]