The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship (TAS) has determined award recipients for the 2019 Butine Faculty Development Fund Spring cycle, according to committee chair Hannah Highlander, Mathematics. Butine award recipients are: Christina Astorga: Catholic Theological Society of America, Pittsburg, $2,000 Barbara Braband: Sigma Theta Tau, International Congress 2019 Calgary, Canada, $1,282.49 David DeLyser: 2019 Chorus America National Conference Philadelphia, $2,000 Carol Dempsey: College […]
Hannah Highlander
Faculty Development Day, May 7: Session Proposals Welcome
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship is excited to announce this year’s Faculty Development Day theme, “Compassionate listening and responding: How to transform UP into a more diverse, supportive, and inclusive campus.” The morning keynote address and several late morning sessions will be centered around this theme. The remaining sessions, most of which will occur […]
Spring Cycle Butine Proposals Due Feb. 8
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship invites all regular faculty to submit spring cycle proposals to receive funding from the Arthur Butine Faculty Development Fund. Faculty can download Butine application materials, review selection criteria, and consult the timeline for applications by visiting this link to the Moodle site. Submissions of post-Butine reports, new Butine applications, and all […]
Submit Faculty Development Day Proposals By Feb. 1
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship welcomes proposals to lead Faculty Development Day on May 7, 2019 around a particular theme. Interested faculty should submit a 1-2 page proposal identifying the keynote speaker and breakout panels for session one of Faculty Development Day. Sessions later in the day may remain open as opportunities for various […]
Faculty Nominations Welcome for Teaching Award, Scholarship Award
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship is accepting faculty nominations for the 2018-2019 Teaching Award and Scholarship Award. These awards are an opportunity for the University community to recognize and celebrate two of its own for outstanding achievements in teaching and scholarship. The committee will accept nominations until noon on Friday, January 25. Nominations should be […]
2018-2019 Butine Faculty Development Funds Awarded
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship (TAS) has determined award recipients for the 2018-2019 Butine Faculty Development Fund Fall cycle, according to committee chair Hannah Highlander, mathematics. Butine award recipients are: Simon Aihiokhai: “Social Justice Understood as Life Flourishing: Perspectives from African Indigenous Religions and Christianity,” $3,295 Janet Banks: “Development and Evaluation of an Interprofessional […]
Submit Butine Proposals and Reports through Moodle
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship invites all regular faculty to submit proposals to receive funding from the Arthur Butine Faculty Development Fund. Faculty can download Butine application materials, review selection criteria, and consult the timeline for applications by visiting this link. Submissions of post-Butine reports, new Butine applications, and all supporting letters are now […]
Teaching and Scholarship Fall Calendar Available Now (updated room locations)
The fall calendar for the Teaching and Scholarship Committee is now available at this link, according to Hannah Callender Highlander, mathematics. There you will find information and deadlines for Butine Scholarships and more. For more information contact Highlander at