The month of November is traditionally a time in which the Catholic community remembers those who have died. It is related to the fact that the end of November is the end of the Liturgical Year with a new year starting the First Sunday of Advent – the four-week period of preparation before Christmas. The […]
Fr. Jim Gallagher C.S.C.
Communion Blessings: Did You Know?
Did you know about receiving a blessing at the time of Communion at Mass? Members of the UP community are welcome to attend and participate in the Mass whenever it is offered on campus. For those who are not Catholic or for any reason do not receive Communion at Mass, there is an option for coming […]
Did You Know? A UP Archive of Why Catholics Do Some of the Stuff They Do
The “Did You Know?” upbeat feature has answered a lot of questions that members of the UP community have asked about why Catholics profess and do some pretty distinctive things. If you are new to UP, or new to wondering about such things, this link will take you to the archive of questions and answers. […]
Catholics and Crucifixes: Did You Know?
Every classroom at UP has a crucifix. Dundon-Berchtold Hall’s crucifixes have been donated by UP students, priests, faculty, and staff from their studies, service, and travels all over the world. Anywhere you have Catholics, you will have crucifixes, which differ from crosses in that there is a corpus (body) on a crucifix, versus the emptiness […]
Did You Know: Why Pilgrimages?
Pilgrimages are a part of the faith life in many religious traditions, including Catholicism. Different from religious or other tourism, pilgrimages are as much about the one making the journey as they are about the final destination. Typically, pilgrims head to places that are crucial to the stories of their religion, or to sites tied […]
The Crucifix and Catholicism: Did You Know?
Do you know why Catholics use Crucifixes? Around campus and in the classrooms, there are crucifixes hanging on the walls. Why is this such a popular representation of Jesus of Nazareth? In part it is because this representation of the suffering and death of Jesus points to much of the good news that He came […]
Lay Collaborators In DNA of Holy Cross: Did You Know?
Here’s a true fact: a mere four nucleic acids in our DNA yield endless variety in human beings. What if we re-combined that infinite human potential to heal this broken world? The post-Revolutionary world into which Blessed Basil Moreau launched his new Congregation of Holy Cross demanded more healing and education and pastoral care than […]
Did You Know? Catholic Social Teaching
How does one live in relationship with the world today and do so in the light of the teachings of Jesus? Catholic Social Teaching seeks to answer this question. This teaching does not come from one particular document but is drawn from a range of sources that have been developed over the years. From these […]
Holy Cross Connection to the Holy Family: Did You Know?
When Blessed Basil Moreau founded the Congregation of Holy Cross he did so with a vision of a community of sisters, brothers, and priests who would look to the life of the Holy Family for inspiration. The sisters were dedicated to Mary, the Blessed Mother of Jesus; the brothers were dedicated to Joseph, the foster […]
Hallow Prayer App Available for Lent
Looking for a way to pray more intentionally during Lent? Consider downloading Hallow, a new app that offers several types of guided prayer, including Centering Prayer, Examine, Lectio Divina, and more. The creators are offering three months of free use to serve as an aid for your Lenten journey. Available most places you find apps […]