All University faculty and staff are invited to participate in a Christmas-themed photobooth on Thursday, December 10, from 11 a.m to 2 p.m., in the Bauccio Commons. All are welcome to stop by for a photo and a cookie to celebrate the holiday season. For more information, Bridget Bimrose, marketing and communications, at or […]
Bridget Bimrose
Join the UP Shamrock Run Team
All University community members are welcome to help a great cause by joining UP’s Shamrock Run team. All team members get free UP gear to wear at the race on Sunday, March 15, at Waterfront Park in downtown Portland. To join the UP team, you must register online at (choose the “team” option; the […]
Join the UP Shamrock Run team
Show your UP pride and help out a great cause when you join UP’s Shamrock Run team – we’ll give you free UP gear to wear at the race, Sunday, March 15 at Waterfront Park in downtown Portland. To join the UP team, you must register online at (choose the “team” option; the UP code is […]
Join the UP Shamrock Run Team
All faculty and staff are invited to show their UP pride and help out a great cause by joining the University’s Shamrock Run team. The run/walk takes place on Sunday, March 16, 2014, at Waterfront Park in downtown Portland. Those who join the team will get some great UP gear and will be able to […]
Now’s The Time
Now is the time to submit orders for letterhead, envelopes, and forms for the upcoming academic year, according to Bridget Bimrose, marketing and communications. This allows the publication team to schedule production throughout the summer. Please estimate usage for the next academic year and order accordingly. Letterhead is available by the ream (500 sheets) or […]
Now’s The Time
Now is the time to submit orders for letterhead, envelopes, and forms for the upcoming academic year, according to Bridget Bimrose, marketing and communications. This allows the publication team to schedule production throughout the summer. Please estimate usage for the next academic year and order accordingly. Letterhead is available by the ream (500 sheets) or […]