According to brain-teaser wizard Aziz Inan, Shiley School of Engineering: “This Tuesday, December 4 will mark Brother Godfrey Vassallo’s 125th birthday, and I thought you might be interested to note that Br. Godfrey’s birthday number last year (his 124th birthday), that is his current age, was special too because it matches his birth date, December 4 (12/4). Br. Godfrey served […]
Br. Godfrey Vassallo
Holy Cross Brothers Display, Buckley Center
There is a famous story that Bro. Godfrey Vassallo, C.S.C. (“B.G.” to generations of admiring students and colleagues), led Physics Club students in digging out a basement for Engineering (Shiley) Hall on weekends in 1949. On weekdays, he was a physics professor at the front of the classroom. Holy Cross Brothers have long been the center-stage and background […]