The Ethnic Studies program is pleased to present a conversation about what it is like to be Black at UP with a panel of our esteemed faculty and staff. This panel will be moderated by Amy Ongiri, PhD, Director of Ethnic Studies and participants include Robert Kelly, PhD, 21st President of the University of Portland; Anita Gooding, PhD, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Social Work; A.J. Jatta, Junior Sociology Major; and Tshombé Brown, Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. (Read More).
Black History Month
Celebrate Black History Month at UP
In celebration of Black History Month, the University of Portland hosts their Annual African American Read-In on Tuesday, February 2 in the quiet side of Bauccio Commons, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. The event is an opportunity for students and faculty to read and celebrate the writings of African American poets, authors, and artists. The […]