A staff forum will take place on Wednesday, April 25, from noon to 1 p.m., in Bauccio Commons, according to Sandy Chung, human resources. The goal of the forum is to uncover shared learnings since the Sunday, April 22 Wally Awards. Our path forward is one that reinforces our values and all that is best in our UP community. We invite input from as many community members as possible. There will be time for an open microphone, although time will be limited so that we can hear from as many staff community members as possible. In addition, there will be a handout available asking for specific recommendations about what our priorities might be for the University as we go forward.
Time spent attending the forum is work time, and staff may schedule a 30-minute lunch period before or after the forum, whichever works best for each staff member and his/her office. If you are unable to attend, we encourage you to share your thoughts and suggestions via the methods noted at the bottom of this email.
Anonymous Reporting Address:
Email: hr@up.edu
Interoffice Mail: Office of Human Resources
US Mail: Office of Human Resources, University of Portland, 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland Oregon 97203