Hello, Sherlock Holmes fans! It’s Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s birthday today. Did you know the Portland & Vancouver Sherlock Holmes Society originated at UP under the direction of Dr. James Covert (“The Grande Olde Honker”)? Here’s the scoop! Follow the link for more. For more information, contact Carolyn Connolly, museum coordinator, at piatz@up.edu.
University Museum
2020 Retiring Faculty: Congratulations!
Congratulations to our retiring faculty! The University Archives and Museum have a new blog post recognizing these nine members of the University faculty for their many years of service. Visit this site for a slideshow of the honored retirees and see how they’ve changed over the years. For more information, contact Carolyn Connolly, museum coordinator, […]
Extraordinary Measures: 1948 Graduation
With the unusual circumstances surrounding the 2020 Commencement exercises, the staff of the University Archives and Museum looked through archive files for other commencement interruptions. We found one, in 1948. Visit this site for the full story. For more information, contact Carolyn Connolly, museum coordinator, at piatz@up.edu.
Blanchet Gold Medal Award: Another Museum Treasure!
Recently the Student Affairs Division announced winners of the 2019-20 Student Leadership Awards. Congratulations to all of the honored recipients! Did you know the University Museum has one of the University’s oldest student awards (over 100 years old!) in its collection? Click here for photos and a description of the Blanchet Gold Medal award.
Lamp of Learning: Museum & Archives
The difference in mission between college education and vocational training is to both educate the student for tomorrow while also preparing the student for life; for whatever is there beyond the horizon, the graduate equipped for that which we can’t yet see today. We make explorers and pathfinders! Our students are seekers who respond to […]
National Scar Tissue, November 22, 1963
The University Archives and Museum continue to comb through our files for examples of the University community’s response in times of trial and disruption. This post reaches back to November 1963. Click here to see more. For more information, contact Carolyn Connolly, museum coordinator, at piatz@up.edu.
Changing Times, Remembered Days: September 11, 2001
The nation came to a standstill in the days following the terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers in New York, the Pentagon in Washington, DC, and United Airlines Flight 93. As we continue with our series to measure the University community’s response in times of trial and disruption, the UP Archives and Museum focus on […]
Nurses are Superheroes!
Today’s news stories often include the faces and images of those on the front lines fighting this virus: medical personnel are right there, front and center. UP has assisted and contributed to the nursing profession–and calling–for 85 years. Not that the credit is ours, but we are proud to share and honor their commitment, and […]
Sangfroid: Poised and Professional After December 7, 1941
In the century plus since our founding, the University has been through a lot of ups and downs. Working from the Archives in the deep basements of the Bluff, we have had a chance to look back, reflect, and be inspired by those who have led the way before us. Today’s offering from the University […]
Five Months in 1945: New Museum Blog Post
In the century plus since our founding, the University has seen a lot, and been through a lot of ups and downs. Triumphs (yeah, like this year’s women’s basketball WCC championship!!!) as well as times of scarcity and disruption have marked our journey from then to now. Working from the archives in the deep basements […]