Faculty from the theology department will engage in a forum-style discussion on the outcomes and implications of the 2015 Synod on the Family on Thursday, November 12, at 7:30 p.m., in Shiley Hall Room 301. Many complex issues are being addressed by the Synod, including the status of divorced and remarried Catholics and that of […]
Theology Department
“Unfolding Sacred Scripture” with Michael Cameron, Nov. 9
UP theology professor Michael Cameron shares from his new book, Unfolding Sacred Scripture: How Catholics Read the Bible, on Monday, Nov. 9, at 7:15 p.m., in the Pilot House Bookstore, in celebration of the 50th anniversary of The Constitution on Divine Revelation from the Second Vatican Council. In his book, Cameron presents a distinctively Catholic […]
Christina Astorga Lecture, Oct. 27
Moral theologian and theology chair Christina Astorga will present “Whatever Happened to Mortal Sin?” on Tuesday, October 27, at 7:15 p.m., in Franz Hall Room 120. She will draw from her recent prize-winning book, Catholic Moral Theology and Social Ethics: A New Method. The lecture is free and open to all, and is sponsored by […]
Family Open Forum Inaugurated Sept. 18
On September 18, Michael Cameron, Will Deming, and Rev. Tom Hosinski, C.S.C., theology, offered the opening session in St. Pius X Parish’s “Family Open Forum,” a year-long partnership between the University’s master of arts in pastoral ministry program and theology department and St. Pius X Parish. Jaime Sevilla, director of Latino ministries at St. Pius […]
Theology Thursday Lecture With Rene Sanchez, Oct. 8
Theology professor Rene Sanchez will present “The Prophetic Church and the McDonaldization of Society” as part of the theology department’s Theology Thursdays lecture series on Thursday, October 8, at 7:30 p.m., in Franz Hall room 120. The lecture is free and open to faculty, staff, students, and the public. Sanchez will explore a social phenomenon called […]
UP To Host National College Theology Society Conference
Theologians from across the nation will visit the University of Portland campus for the National College Theology Society Conference on Thursday, May 28, 2015. The conference theme is “An Unexpected Wilderness: Seeking God on a Changing Planet.” The opening plenary talk, “Resilience: Virtue in the ‘Unexpected Wilderness,’” will be delivered by Agnes Brazal of Saint […]
Early Christianity Scholars Meet On UP Campus
On Saturday, April 18, eleven scholars from Portland, Eugene, Tacoma, and surrounding areas met on the UP campus for the second annual meeting of the Northwest Early Christian Studies Seminar, according to Michael Cameron, theology. Early Christian Studies deals with the history, culture, thought, and practice of Christianity from about 100-800 C.E. The group heard […]
Faith and Formation Ambassador Program
A new program was launched this fall to bring intentional student leadership around faith and community to the University’s residence halls. The Faith and Formation Ambassador Program is a redesign of the Faith & Leadership House that had existed on campus since 2006. Rather than placing student leaders in a single community home, this new program […]
UP Team On Expedition To Ancient Roman City
Fr. Richard Rutherford, C.S.C., emeritus theology, is leading a team of UP faculty, alumni, and supporters on an expedition to the old Roman city of Pollèntia near Alcúdia in Mallorca, Spain, this month. The UP team is working by invitation from the Consortium of the Roman City of Polléntia and in collaboration with Miguel Cao from […]
Theology Thursday Lecture
Sr. Kathleen McManus, OP, theology, will present “Light of Nations? Reading Lumen Gentium in the 21st Century” as part of the Theology Thursdays lecture series on Thursday, April 11, at 7:30 p.m., in Buckley Center room 310. The lecture is free and open to faculty, staff, students, and the public. Lumen Gentium (The Dogmatic Constitution […]