The opening session of Faculty Development Day is now available as a video that anyone can view. After some introductory remarks, the highlight is the keynote by Loretta J. Ross, Smith College, and Simon Aihiokhai, University of Portland, titled “Building Trust and Finding Encounters: Frameworks for Respectful Engagement with Our Students and with Each Other.” It includes presentations […]
Teaching & Scholarship
Spring 2021 Butine Awards Announced
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship (TAS) is pleased to announce the Butine grant recipients for the Spring cycle according to chair Diane Sotak, Clark Library. The Arthur Butine Faculty Development Fund was established to support faculty in their scholarly endeavors. The recipients are: Alexa Dare, Streams Environmental Humanities Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, August 3-7, 2021 ($2000) Andra […]
Call for Spring Butine Proposals: Deadline is Feb. 5
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship (TAS) invites all eligible faculty to submit proposals for funding from the Arthur Butine Faculty Development Fund. Please use the most current application forms which are now available for download from the Butine Moodle site. Also, a reminder that applicants must discuss their Butine proposals with their respective deans (and chairs […]
Fall 2020 Butine Awards Announced
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship (TAS) has determined award recipients for the Butine Faculty Development Fund Fall cycle, according to committee chair Diane Sotak, library. Butine award recipients are: Lauren Berger, RISE-UPPP: Research Involving the Systematic Evaluation of an Underrepresented Psychologists Pipeline Program ($5000) Itzel Cruz Megchun, Design competencies futures ($3700) Katie Danielson, Literacy Research Association Conference, […]
Call for Fall Butine Proposals: Application Deadline is Oct. 16
The Commitee on Teaching and Scholarship (TAS) invites all eligible faculty to submit proposals for funding from the Arthur Butine Faculty Development Fund. The deadline is Friday, October 16. Information about the fund, instructions, and application materials are available on the Butine Moodle site. Application forms are available in two formats: online as Dynamic Forms or […]
2020 Faculty Award for Outstanding Teaching: Tammy VanDeGrift
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship is pleased to announce that the 2020 Teaching Award winner is Tammy VanDeGrift, Shiley School of Engineering. She has been a champion of continuous improvement in teaching and student learning throughout her 15-year career at the University of Portland. Her focus on pedagogical approaches is not solely for her […]
2020 Faculty Award for Outstanding Scholarship: Heather Dillon
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship is pleased to announce that the 2020 Scholarship Award winner is Heather Dillon, Shiley School of Engineering. Known as a dedicated and talented researcher among her peers, she has had a prolific record of scholarship in her eight years at the University of Portland. Dillon created her UP research […]
2019-2020 Butine Spring Cycle Recipients
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship (TAS) has determined award recipients for the 2019-2020 Butine Faculty Development Fund Spring cycle, according to committee chair Hannah Highlander, mathematics. Butine award recipients are: Alexa Dare, $2000, “Streams Transformative Environmental Humanities Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, August 5-8, 2020.” Vail Fletcher, $1890, “North American Association for Critical Animal Studies Conference (NAACAS), University of British […]
Faculty Development Day, May 5: Session Proposals Welcome
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship is excited to announce this year’s Faculty Development Day theme, “A Globalized Curriculum: Frameworks for Respectful Engagement with People from Diverse Religious and Secular Traditions.” See below for a detailed description of the day’s theme. The morning keynote address and several late morning sessions will be centered around this […]
Hancock, Wootton to Share Outstanding Teaching, Scholarship Thoughts, Feb. 12
Christin Hancock, history, and Aaron Wootton, mathematics, the 2019 Faculty Award for Outstanding Teaching and Outstanding Scholarship recipients, will share their thoughts in a joint session on Wednesday, February 12, from 3 to 5 p.m., in the Clark Library classroom (room 211). Hancock’s talk is titled “Teaching about the past with an eye on the […]