The Pamplin School of Business has announced the hiring of its first director of graduate business recruitment and corporate partnerships, Lily Salem. She comes to The Bluff from the University of Tampa, where she developed campus partnerships as manager of corporate and community development. Salem will be getting to know the local business community and […]
Pamplin School of Business
Helping STEM Students Shine
University of Portland business professor Gary Mitchell and his wife, Veronica, coached a team of 13 Lake Oswego students who recently became robotics world champions. The students, ranging from grades eight through eleven, won the Control Award (for Robot Intelligence) at the FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) World Championship, held April 22-25, 2015 in St. Louis, […]
UP Accounting Team Advances to National Finals
Four University of Portland accounting students won the regional round of the KPMG Case Competition in Chicago this past weekend. The team, made up of Erika Schlotfeldt, Jessie Robinson, Emily Glaser, and Courtney Lemon, beat teams from University of Missouri, University of Illinois, University of Washington, DePaul, Colorado State, and Wisconsin. The UP accounting team will […]
Accounting Students Heading To Chicago For Competition
Four University of Portland accounting students took first place in a KPMG Accounting Competition against other Oregon schools. The students – seniors Erika Schlotfeldt and Jessie Robinson and juniors Emily Glaser and Courtney Lemon – placed ahead of teams from University of Oregon, Oregon State University, and Portland State University. The UP team will now compete […]
Next UP HIVE Event, Nov. 5
All are welcome to attend the next UP HIVE event, “Media Transformed: Capturing Our Attention in the Digital Age,” on Wednesday, November 5, at 5:30 p.m., at Colorhouse (519 NE Hancock St. #B, Portland, OR 97212). The HIVE group will explore the seismic shift taking place within the media industry. In a time when ordinary […]
Annual Graduate Business Social, August 19
The Pamplin School of Business will host its annual Graduate Business Social on Tuesday, August 19, from 6 to 8 p.m., at BridgePort Brewery, 1313 NW Marshall Street. This annual event brings together current graduate business students, faculty, and alumni to get to know one another and enjoy craft beer and food pairings provided by […]
UP Accounting Teams On Winning Streak
Four University of Portland accounting students took first place in the KPMG Accounting Competition held April 5-6 at Seattle University. The students—Jessie Robinson, Mariana Karami, Erika Schlotfeldt, and Caitlin Deutch—beat out competitors from University of Washington, Oregon State University, University of Oregon, Seattle University, University of Alaska-Fairbanks, Western Washington, and others. They will share a […]
Graduate Business Classes At New Westside Campus
The Pamplin School of Business Administration will start classes at their Westside Campus staring in May 2014, according to Melissa McCarthy, business administration. Degrees offered will include master of business administration in operations and technology management, and MBA with finance concentration, and other partial degrees. The new facility features a group meeting area, Bloomberg terminals, […]
Bauccio Lecture in Entrepreneurship, March 27
The 2014 Bauccio Lecture in Entrepreneurship will be delivered by Whole Foods Market co-CEO Walter Robb III on Thursday, March 27, at 4:15 p.m., in Buckley Center Auditorium. The lecture is free and open to all faculty, staff, students, alumni, and the public. Robb joined Whole Foods in 1991, operating the Mill Valley, Calif., store […]
DJ Wilson Leadership Speaker Series Lecture, March 24
DJ Wilson, president and general manager of KGW Media Group Portland since 2007, will be the guest speaker for the University of Portland’s Leadership Speaker Series at 7:10 p.m. on Monday, March 24, in Buckley Center Auditorium. Her talk is free and open to faculty, staff, students, alumni, and the public. Wilson is president of […]