Over the summer the Clark Library added ten disciplinary and specialized databases. They cover a variety of subjects from engineering to philosophy to environmental science and are listed on the right side of the A-Z Databases page. The library also extended the license for Harvard Business Review content in Business Source Premier so it can be used for course readings and […]
Clark Library Annual Report
We invite you to catch up on library activities in the past year by visiting our 2017 – 2018 Annual Report. Looking ahead, this fall will mark the five year anniversary of the renovated library. Projects in the works involve updates to building spaces, experimenting with untethered lecture capture in the library classroom, and preparing to […]
Clark Library Guide to Diversity & Pedagogy Resources
Are you exploring diversity and inclusion themes in your work? The Clark Library has a Diversity & Pedagogy Resources topic guide that can get you started or supplement your understanding. This guide launched in 2016 to provide readings in support of faculty workshops about diversity. Books suggested by this year’s Faculty Development Day keynote presenters have been […]
Clark Library Gallery: “Perspectives”
“Perspectives” is on display through August and celebrates the creative endeavors of Clark Library faculty and staff. The works encompass a broad range of media from paintings to photographs to fiber art, exploring each artist’s view of the natural and human world around us. From bold patterns to the softest of embroidery, the pieces provide […]
Clark Library Ethics Project
This year, the Clark Library undertook an ambitious initiative to examine our professional ethics as a team, funded by a grant from the Dundon-Berchtold Institute. Ethics is at the core what we do in providing information without bias, maintaining user privacy, and in helping students and faculty use information in ways that consider the source […]
Clark Library Gallery: Call for Proposals
The Clark Library is seeking exhibit proposals from University of Portland students, faculty, and staff to be displayed in the Library’s main level gallery during the 2018–19 academic year. The gallery exhibits work that features the diversity of scholarship and culture on campus, as well as UP’s history. Visit the gallery page for more details and the […]
Clark Library Gallery: Call for Proposals
The Clark Library is seeking exhibit proposals from University of Portland students, faculty, and staff to be displayed in the Library’s main level gallery during the 2018–19 academic year. The gallery exhibits work that features the diversity of scholarship and culture on campus, as well as UP’s history. Visit the gallery page for more details and the […]
Clark Library Gallery: “From Page to Production” Opening Reception, March 23
Join us at the opening reception for From Page to Production on Friday, March 23, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., in the Clark Library Gallery. See how a play script is brought to life from theatrical design sketches and scaled models to finished costumes and sets. The exhibit features the work of scenic designer Larry Larsen, performing […]
TLC Tip of the Week: Virtual Reality in the Classroom
Virtual reality is an emerging technology that allows students to create and learn in immersive environments. According to the American Library Association, this trend will grow in the near future as multimedia producers seek to create more engaging modes of visual storytelling. The Digital Lab currently offers a variety of titles including: Google Earth VR The Stanford Ocean Acidification […]
Clark Library: Save Time with RefWorks
Who really likes creating bibliographies? Giving proper credit is important, but it doesn’t have to be so labor intensive. Try out RefWorks to create pre-formatted bibliographies in any citation style, while organizing your sources in one place where they can be shared and annotated. If you use similar tools like EndNote, Mendeley, or Zotero, it’s easy to […]