Librarians and the Digital Lab Coordinator are available to meet with your classes online, or through asynchronous videos, to cover information literacy and multimedia topics. Now is a great time to schedule us! Send instruction requests to (information literacy) or (multimedia).
Clark Library: Resources for Anti-Oppression Topics
For UP community members interested in learning about and acting against discrimination, the Clark Library offers a guide about anti-oppression as a starting point to resources on ableism, racism, sex/gender identity discrimination, and classism. The guide was inspired by the human dignity concept in Catholic social teaching and includes resources on this concept, as well as resources […]
Clark Library: A Few Things for the Holidays
Looking for something to do over the break from the comfort of your home? Visit our December Holidays guide to listen to a selection of holiday music or browse related eBooks and streaming videos. Then hop over to the Leisure Reading & Watching guide to see available fiction and memoirs from our eBook collections, as […]
Clark Library: Winter Break Hours
You can still pick up and check out Clark library materials during the Christmas break, but hours vary. The building will open a few hours per day Mondays through Thursdays in December. However, the building will be closed from December 24 through January 10. Pick up hours will resume January 11 through the end of […]
Clark Library: Spring Course Reserves
Get some of your spring semester prep out of the way! Library staff are ready to tackle spring semester course reserves, which can now include print materials for local students to check out. Library staff handle copyright screening and scan materials for electronic reserves to meet accessibility standards. If you plan to reuse items that […]
TLC Teaching Tip of the Week: TLC for Library Research
Could you (or your students) benefit from some TLC for library research? Reference librarians are available for Zoom or phone consultations to assist UP students, faculty, and staff with their research. Ask us questions about getting started, choosing the best places to search, creating an efficient search strategy, identifying relevant resources, organizing and managing your […]
Clark Library: Resources for LGBTQIA+ History Month
LGBTQIA+ History Month (October 1-31) is an annual observance of the history of LGBTQIA+ rights movements. Visit our new LGBTQIA+ guide to discover eBooks and streaming videos available to UP faculty, students, and staff through the library from anywhere at any time. For more information contact
Clark Library: New Multimedia Guide
Want to learn more about graphic design, photography, film, or audio? The Clark Library’s Digital Lab has a new guide for anyone interested in creating and using multimedia. The Multimedia guide provides a wealth of information including self-paced online courses and eBooks, as well as links to image collections and professional organizations for each discipline. […]
TLC Teaching Tip of the Week: Using Clark Library During Fall 2020
The Clark Library continues to support teaching and learning during remote instruction. For full details, please visit our Fall 2020 Library Services guide. Here are a few highlights: Borrow a laptop (for local users only). Perhaps your work laptop needs repair, or a student in your class indicates that their laptop stopped working. Visit the […]
Clark Library: Resources for Latinx Heritage Month
The Clark Library has a Latinx Heritage guide highlighting eBooks and streaming videos available through our collection, as well as related events hosted by DIP (Diversity & Inclusion Programs). Latinx Heritage Month, September 15 through October 15, is dedicated to a celebration of Hispanic and Latinx Americans’ heritage and culture, and to recognizing the contributions […]