As the academic year draws to a close, enjoy this final installment from The Saint John’s Bible, Fulfillment of Creation, from Romans 8. Bits of computer code, football plays, galaxies viewed through the Hubble Telescope and calligraphy are among the images artist Thomas Ingmire uses to communicate the idea that humanity participates in the ongoing work of creation with the Divine. Music for this 2-minute oasis is provided by Tyler Lawrence ’24, and PFA faculty member Susan McDaniel. See you in September with weekly glimpses into this great UP treasure.
Campus Services
Clark Library: Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
May is Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month and pays tribute to the history, accomplishments, and contributions of people with Asian and Pacific Islander heritage in the United States. We invite you to visit our latest guide to discover more through the Clark Library’s books, eBooks, and streaming videos.
Want us to add an item? Send suggestions to Heidi Senior, Clark Library, at
Clark Library: Contribute to the All Together Project
Challenging times can inspire creative reflection! The library continues to collect creative works that capture your experience of the events of 2020-2021 for the All Together project. Examples of creative works are photographs, videos, essays, poems, drawings, paintings, etc. Visit the site to see some submissions and consider adding yours!
Questions? Please contact José Velazco, Clark Library, at
Move-Out Donations to help UP Students, Faculty, and Staff
At the end of each year, we see many perfectly re-usable items and non-perishable food get thrown away by students during move-out. This semester, Residence Life, Printing & Mailing Services and several other UP community members have worked together to coordinate opportunities for students to donate their unwanted items and share them with our UP and local communities.
Each residence hall has donation boxes set up in key locations where students can place their unwanted food, clothing and household items any time between now and May 7. For students living off campus, Printing & Mailing Services has donation boxes set up in their vestibule which can be accessed using their student ID cards.
From Tuesday, May 11 to Friday May 14, the Anchor will be open every day from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. and from 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. to welcome University community members, staff, and students to come in to browse and grab what they need. Left over items will then be donated to our local community partners.
If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out to Reneé Byrd,, or Joshua Bode,
Moment of Beauty with The Saint John’s Bible: Loaves and Fishes
This week, enjoy Donald Jackson’s lustrous illumination of ABUNDANCE so profound that the images spill over onto two pages, telling the story of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes. The music in this 2-minute pause is provided by Tyler Lawrence ’24, and Susan McDaniel, Performing and Fine Arts. Allow yourself to sit, breathe and BE.
Custodial Services in Offices to Resume Again
On Monday, May 10, Physical Plant’s Custodial Night Staff will resume weekly custodial service to private offices. If you would like to opt out and NOT have custodial service provided starting May 10, please complete the survey linked below by Thursday, May 6th.
Please note:
- You should still place your trash and recycling outside of your door if you wish them to be dumped. A communication will be going out in August to resume service, but if you wish to op back in before then, you can email
- For those who complete this survey because they want to opt out, a small red dot sticker will be placed on the door just above the knob, this denotes offices which custodians should not enter.
For questions, please contact Marissa Grice, physical plant, at
UP Branded Virtual Backgrounds: Add Some Zip to Your Zoom
UP branded virtual backgrounds are available for download in ShareUP, according to Chris Long, marketing and communications. The virtual backgrounds create an appealing, brand-focused backdrop that you may use in virtual meetings on Zoom (or for other virtual platforms). To navigate to the virtual background files please visit ShareUP using this link, then select “ShareUP Login.” On the home page, select “Brand” then “Virtual Backgrounds.”
Directions on downloading the files and enabling the assets in Zoom are available on the virtual backgrounds page in ShareUP. Please reach out to Long ( with any questions or technical issues.
Moment of Beauty with The Saint John’s Bible: Elisha and the Six Miracles
This week, spend 2 minutes beholding Elisha and the Six Miracles (story in 2 Kings 4-6). Donald Jackson and Aidan Hart’s lustrous illumination. Music is provided by Tyler Lawrence ’24 and Susan McDaniel, Department of Music. These weekly moments of beauty provide an oasis in which you need only breathe, behold and BE.
Join OIEDI for their Summer 2021 Community Conversation Series
Thank you to all who joined us for Part 1 of our Summer 21 Community Conversations. We are looking forward to Part 2: the Story Circle. No preparation or RSVP is necessary, simply email or visit the this page in Pilots UP for the Zoom link to access the June 24 11:30 a.m.- 1 p.m. conversation where we will hear from each other about “a time someone unexpected influenced you”.
A little information about Story Circles:
- Foundation of Story Circles: We are all interconnected through human rights. Each person has inherent dignity and worth.<RESPECT AND OPENNESS>
- In addition to the two presuppositions, it is important to remember that: a) Every person has personal experience that can be shared . b) We all have something to learn from others . c) Listening for understanding is transformational
- Goal: Community development – diverse community citizens (of different ages, gender, religions, socio-economic backgrounds, etc.) come together to share their stories so as to create bonds and build relationships across generations, religions, and socio-economic backgrounds.
We hope you will join us and invite others from our UP community to join. We are looking forward to this opportunity to learn from and about each other!
Please email questions, suggestions, or other feedback to
RSVP for DEI Check-UP, May 21
A time and space to dream big, start small, or report out– let’s check up on the health of DEI work in our spheres. DEI Check-UP will happen on Friday, May 21 from 1-4 p.m. Learn more and RSVP on Eventbrite.
Please email questions, suggestions, or other feedback to