Please see the TechTalk blog for our February post on updates and new features in Zoom. Happy Zooming!
Fr. James Martin SJ: Building a Bridge Talk Now Available
If you weren’t able to attend the webinar conversation with Fr. James Martin on practicing Gospel inclusion with the LGBTQ+ community, or would like to re-visit the event, the video link is now available here. Fr. Martin also gave us permission to share the conversation with all who might be interested in the topics explored […]
DEI Series: The Urban League and UP
A staff hero. From 1968–1980, Vernon Chatman’s role in shaping the UP student experience as DEI counselor and advocate was both visionary and effective. He came to the University precisely to make a difference. Building programs and bridges with community organizations in the city of Portland, Mr. Chatman made the UP community stronger and better. For a brief […]
Inaugural Cohort of Inclusive Teaching Scholars
The Center for Teaching and Learning is pleased to announce the inaugural cohort of Inclusive Teaching Scholars. This diverse team of faculty will work to grow as inclusive teachers and serve as leaders for inclusive teaching techniques, ideas, and approaches across the campus. Each member will identify a project of interest to be completed over […]
UP’s First Lilly Faculty Fellows to Explore Faith Formation in Academia
Two years after University of Portland joined the Lilly Network of Church-Related Colleges and Universities, two faculty members are the first on the UP campus to be awarded Lilly Faculty Fellowships. Rachel Hutcheson, associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry, and David Turnbloom, associate professor of theology, will participate in a two-year Lilly Faculty Fellows […]
New to The Bluff: Brandon Wood, Help Desk Specialist, Information Services
Information Services would like to announce Brandon Wood as our newest Help Desk Specialist. He joined us in December, having previously worked at the Help Desk at Biotronik in Lake Oswego. Brandon is a life-long Portlander and enjoys taking advantage of the hiking available in Washington Park and our other beautiful local areas. He is […]
New Faculty and Staff Photos (Mar. 28)
Are you a new faculty or staff member who has not yet had their professional photo taken for the UP directory? The Office of Marketing and Communications has scheduled a professional photographer for photos on Tuesday, March 28, in the afternoon. Please email Suzanne Frey at to schedule a five-minute headshot session.
Michael O’Loughlin Author Talk: Hidden Mercy (Feb. 22)
Author Michael O’Loughlin provides insights from Hidden Mercy: AIDS, Catholics, and the Untold Stories of Compassion in the Face of Fear. Co-sponsored by the English Lecture Series. Brian Doyle Auditorium (Dundon-Berchtold Hall), 7 p.m. Free and open to all. Info at or 503-943-7702. ADA compliant event.
Music That Makes You Laugh—A Beckman Humor Project Event (Feb. 23)
Vocalists and instrumentalists of UP’s music faculty and selected students perform pieces meant to bring smiles, chuckles, and sometimes subvert the status quo. Bistro-style bites and drinks served after the concert. Mago Hunt Recital Hall and Lobby, 7 p.m. Free and open to all. A Beckman Humor Project event. Info at or 503-943-7702. ADA […]
Imagining New Courses: A Focus Group Discussion on Interdisciplinary Teaching (Feb. 24)
Have you been curious about developing a new Core Exploration course but haven’t yet taken the plunge? Do you feel like you understand interdisciplinarity as a concept, but not how to put it into practice in the classroom? The Core Curriculum (Andrew Guest) and the NEH “Core Humanities” grant team (Jen McDaneld and Molly Hiro) […]