A third phase of renovations has been completed inside the Chapel of Christ the Teacher. The most recent renovations included replacing the movable seating with pews, replacing the chairs for concelebrants and the choir, and installing lattice woodwork to the altar backdrop wall that will match the color of the pews, according to Campus Ministry.
Two other phases of renovations have occurred in the Chapel in the last three years. New flooring, designed to match the original flooring, was added in early 2013. Other renovations have included a new marble altar, a new wooden ambo, a redesigned presider chair, and a new altar backdrop wall.
The Chapel of Christ the Teacher, which opened in 1986, was designed by renowned Portland architect Pietro Belluschi. His goal was to design a worship space in a Northwest regional style with Scandinavian and Japanese overtones in a building that emphasized interiority over exteriority.
For more information contact Campus Ministry at 7131 or ministry@up.edu.