David Houglum has been hired as interim director of the Moreau Center for Service and Leadership, effective September 30, according to Rev. John Donato, C.S.C., student affairs. Houglum has served as a leadership scholar and educator at Loyola Marymount as associate director of student leadership and development in the Ignatian Leadership Institute. Please welcome him […]
Moreau Center
2013 Bike Commute Challenge
Every September, the Bicycle Transportation Alliance sponsors a Bike Commute Challenge for Portland area businesses and organizations, according to Pat Ell, Moreau Center. They challenge groups (schools, business, departments) to commute by bike for the month of September. Ell would like to challenge all other UP departments and offices to take part in this year’s […]
Nicaragua Rummage Sale
Faculty and staff are encouraged to donate items for the upcoming rummage sale to benefit the Nicaragua Immersion or stop by on Saturday, April 27, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., to explore items for sale. Smaller donations can be dropped off at the Moreau Center during office hours (Mon-Fri, 8:30 a.m.-noon, 1-4:30 p.m.) before the […]
Accompaniers Needed
Faculty and staff members are asked to consider serving as accompaniers for upcoming Moreau Center service learning immersion programs, according to Laura Goble, Moreau Center. An application form, plus links to FAQs, program descriptions, and costs, can be found at up.edu/moreaucenter. Applications are due by Friday, April 26. Late applications will be considered on a […]
Freedom Fighters Discussion
The Moreau Center will host a brown bag lunch session, “The Freedom Riders, Fighters, and Writers Project: Insights from a Service-Learning Collaboration,” on Wednesday, February 20, 12:30-1:30 p.m., in the Murphy conference room on the fourth floor of Franz Hall. Rich Christen, education, and Kate McPherson, Roosevelt High School, will discuss their journey to engage […]