Beginning in early May, the process of gathering material for the annual University of Portland Report of scholarly activity will be online. The goal for moving the process online is to make the University Report a more accurate representation of all scholarship that occurs at UP and to make the it a celebration of that […]
John Orr
John Orr Lecture, New Location
John Orr will present a lecture, “Scenes of Reading, Sites of Contest: Listening to Henry Adams’s Marginalia,” as part of the Communication Studies Colloquium Series, on Wednesday, March 27, from noon to 1 p.m., in Shiley Hall room 206 (moved from Buckley Center room 102). His talk is free and open to faculty, staff, students, […]
John Orr Lecture, March 27
John Orr will present a lecture, “Scenes of Reading, Sites of Contest: Listening to Henry Adams’s Marginalia,” as part of the Communication Studies Colloquium Series, on Wednesday, March 27, from noon to 1 p.m., in Buckley Center room 102. His talk is free and open faculty, staff, students, and the public. Orr’s scholarly interests reside […]