As we begin the holiday season, all departments should take note of a new policy adopted by the President’s Leadership Council with respect to employee recognition, awards, and events, according to Eric Barger, controller. This new policy was adopted to ensure compliance with tax regulations, appropriate use of University resources, and equity across the departments […]
Eric Barger
UP Hosting Strategic Energy Management Cohort Workshop, November 16
The University of Portland will host the final Strategic Energy Management (SEM) workshop, “Report Out & Celebration,” on Wednesday, November 16. UP has been participating in a two-year SEM cohort sponsored by the Energy Trust of Oregon (ETO), according to physical plant director André Hutchinson. Other participants in the cohort, which focuses on organizations with large, complex campuses, […]
New Mileage Reimbursement Rate For 2016
Beginning January 1, 2016, the University is adjusting its mileage reimbursement rate to $0.54/mile in accordance with IRS rules, according to Eric Barger, controller. Miles driven in 2015 will be reimbursed at the then- effective rate of $0.575/mile. Miles driven in 2015 must be submitted for reimbursement by the end of February, 2016. For more […]
A New Face in Payroll
Shiromani Narayan has joined the University as the new payroll office supervisor, according UP controller Eric Barger. She brings with her 20 years of payroll experience from RipCity Management. As a resident of North Portland, she is excited to become part of the University community. Please stop by the payroll office and welcome her to […]
Graduate Tuition Remission
Employees or employees’ spouses who are considering taking graduate courses under UP’s tuition remission benefit in the next calendar year should contact Eric Barger in the controller’s office ( for a personal session to assist with tax planning. This will help employees avoid unpleasant paycheck surprises in the fall. Also, please note there will be […]
Money Matters: New Reimbursement Rates
Happy new fiscal year from the controller’s office! Mileage reimbursement rates have decreased to $0.56/mile for any travel incurred after June 30, 2014, according to Eric Barger, controller. Please use this new rate for mileage reimbursement in fiscal year 2014-15. For more information contact Barger at
Expanded Sick Leave Availability
As of January 1, the University of Portland is extending sick leave to student employees and any faculty and staff members not previously covered, according to Eric Barger, controller. Student employees and hourly staff working less than half-time will now earn one hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked (with a maximum bank […]
Money Matters
For travel in the new fiscal year, the University’s mileage reimbursement rate has increased to $0.565 per mile, according to Eric Barger, controller. For those renting cars, the preferred rental agency is Enterprise. Use code “G24733” at Enterprise to get a discounted rate and save money in your University of Portland travel budget. Please decline […]
Money Matters
Happy new fiscal year from the controller’s office! Mileage reimbursement rates have increased to $0.565/mile for any travel incurred after June 30, 2013, according to Eric Barger, controller. Please use this new rate for mileage reimbursement in fiscal year 2013-14. For more information contact Barger at
Money Matters
Happy new fiscal year from the controller’s office! Mileage reimbursement rates have increased to $0.565/mile for any travel incurred after June 30, 2013, according to Eric Barger, controller. Please use this new rate for mileage reimbursement in fiscal year 2013-14. For more information contact Barger at