At the May 2015 Faculty Development Day session on responding to student mental health problems, several questions were posed by faculty concerning how they must respond to student threats of self-harm. Specifically, there were questions about whether such self-disclosure on students’ parts should be kept confidential, or are faculty members mandated reporters of such things, […]
Danielle Hermanny
Next UP Hive Event: May 20
The next UP Hive Network event in partnership with the Dundon-Berchtold Institute, “Let’s Get Down to Business,” will take place on Wednesday, May 20, at 5:30 p.m., in the Bauccio Commons board room. Explore behavioral ethics in business with a thought- provoking panel of leaders: Mark B. Ganz, UP regent and president and CEO of […]
New Title IX Coordinator
Effective July 1, Bryn Sopko, director of human resources, will become the University’s Title IX Coordinator. Bryn will replace Elayne Shapiro, who has filled the role since July 2011. As a reminder, all inquiries concerning the application of Title IX and its implementing regulations may be referred to the University’s Title IX coordinator, deputy Title […]