Are you a faculty member or other academic staff interested in improving your knowledge around student mental health to facilitate working with the diverse range of students in your classes and departments? A group of faculty and academic staff has been developing the UP Academic Network for Mental Health, which will begin work in the […]
Andrew Guest
New Proposed Projects for Teaching & Learning Community Blog
This week on the Teaching & Learning Community Blog, meet two new proposed blog projects for the coming academic year: “Core Matters” and “Mentally Healthy.” The Core Matters project is introduced here, and offers an effort to progressively build a compendium of brief on-line essays about what actually happens in UP Core classes and how that contributes […]
TLC From The TLC: Feeling the Stress?
How much of the stress students (and faculty and staff) feel during finals is rational? How much might it help our collective mental health to identify the points where our stress is irrational? The last in the year-long series on mental health on the Teaching & Learning Community Blog offers some ideas from the types of cognitive-behavioral […]
TLC From The TLC: How Do We Stack Up?
When dealing with stressed out students at challenging points in the semester, have you ever wondered if UP students are any different in their psychological concerns than students at other universities? This week’s mental health blog post on the Teaching and Learning Community Blog has some data to address that question. How do our students compare to […]
TLC from the TLC: Diversity, Inclusion, Mental Health
In this week’s Teaching and Learning Collaborative “TLC from the TLC” story, psychology professor Andrew Guest posits: “Anyone paying attention to higher education in recent years is well aware of two pressing issues on regular repeat: changing perceptions of student mental health needs, and the need to better attend to diversity and inclusion. But how […]
TLC From The TLC: Mental Health Services for Students
As faculty and students return for the winter months of our “Spring” semester, the Teaching and Learning Collaborative hopes some might find it useful to get a primer (or, more optimistically, a reminder) about mental health services for students on campus. See the TLC blog for an overview of the who, what, where, when, and why of […]
TLC From The TLC: Student Mental Health Concerns?
As another entry in the ongoing Teaching and Learning Collaborative blog series on student mental health, this week’s post offers an update on a recent brownbag discussion with faculty, academic staff, and Eliot Altschul from the Health and Counseling Center. We talked about some basic updates on mental health services at UP, and also discussed hypothetical but […]
TLC From The TLC: Student-Athletes and Mental Health
In this week’s installment by the Teaching and Learning Collaborative, Andre Guest asks: Do student-athletes have particular mental health concerns that faculty and academic staff should be aware of? The short answer is yes and no. The slightly longer answer is offered in a brief two part series on the UP Teaching & Learning Community […]
Brown Bag Session on Student Mental Health, Nov. 15
How would you respond to a student who told you during an office hours visit that they were feeling suicidal? What would you do if you noticed major changes in a student’s demeanor in class, but they didn’t seem inclined to talk to you, even when prompted? UP faculty want to have the knowledge and […]
TLC From The TLC: Student-Athlete Concerns?
UP is a relatively small NCAA Division I school, meaning that we have a proportionately large population of student-athletes: as such, most faculty and academic staff have athletes in our classes at some point. Do those students bring any particular needs or assets when it comes to thinking about mental health? In another installment of his […]