The Nicaragua Immersion Silent Auction and Gift Basket drawing is coming soon, according to Theresa McCreary, Moreau center. It will take place from Monday, December 1 through Friday, December 5, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., in the Bauccio Commons hallway.
Donations are still needed! Proceeds of the Silent Auction &andGift Basket drawing benefit UP students who will be going on the Nicaragua Immersion in May 2015. The students are responsible for fundraising for this valuable learning experience, and the Silent Auction is one of their largest fundraisers. Last year many departments on campus generously and imaginatively created fabulous gift baskets to be included in the silent auction.
Individuals (crafters or shoppers) are encouraged to donate an item to be included in the gift basket to be raffled off to one lucky winner. Donations can be dropped off in the Moreau Center in St. Mary’s. This is a great fundraiser for our entire community. We appreciate your participation.
Please call or e-mail McCreary at 7131 or if you have any questions.