The Franz Center for Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation invites all faculty and staff members to nominate students for the first course in the Leader Certificate Program (LDR 225) offered in fall semester 2017. The Leader Certificate Program is designed to provide leaders with the tools, knowledge, and ability to impact and inspire their followers using key leader character habits. During LDR 225 (Foundations of Leadership), students explore the foundations of leadership by learning about the seven University of Portland Leader Character Habits and several leadership theories, gain critical self-awareness concerning their values, vision, mission, goals, and strengths, and create a personalized leader development action plan. The Leader Certificate Program is open to students of all majors and takes approximately two years to complete. If you know of any students who might benefit from the Leader Certificate Program, please e-mail Dave Houglum ( the names and e-mail addresses of students. Please send him your recommendations by Friday, February 24.