Faculty, staff, and students in the Shiley School of Engineering celebrated the 99th birthday of the late Donald P. Shiley on Friday, January 18. In addition to paying tribute to the life and accomplishments of Mr. Shiley, professor Aziz Inan prepared the following article:
Saturday, January 19, 2019 marks the 99th birthday of Donald P. Shiley, namesake and benefactor of the Shiley School of Engineering. Mr. Shiley was a 1951 alumnus of University of Portland with a B.S. degree in mechanical engineering. He died on July 31, 2010, at age 90.
I prepared the following number curiosities in his honor:
- Shiley’s 99th birthday expressed as 01/19/2019 is special because switching the places of numbers 20 and 19 in the rightmost four digits of 01192019 yields his original birthday, 01/19/1920.
- Furthermore, if 01/19/2019 is split as 01, 19, 20, and 19, these four numbers add up to 59. Coincidentally, the sum of the numbers assigned to the letters of Mr. Shiley’s wife’s name, Darlene, also equals 59.
- The sum of the digits of Mr. Shiley’s new age, namely 99, equals 18 and interestingly, Mr. Shiley’s full name, Donald Pearce Shiley, consists of 18 letters.
- Note also that 18 equals the difference of 01 and 19, the month and day numbers of Mr. Shiley’s birthday.
- 2019 equals 3 times 673 and 3 and 673 are the 2nd and 122nd prime numbers. Interestingly, 122 divided by 2 minus 2 yields 59 (Darlene).
- If Mr. Shiley’s birthday, 01/19/1920 is split into 01, 19, 19, and 20, the product and the sum of 01 and 19 equals 19 and 20, respectively.
- Moreover, the sum of the prime factors of 01191920, namely, 2, 5, 47, and 317, equals 371 and twice the reverse of 371, namely 173, yields 346. Interestingly, each non-leap year has 346 days left after Mr. Shiley’s birthday.
- Further, 317 is the 66th prime number and 66 rotated 180 degrees results in Mr. Shiley’s new age, 99.
- Additionally, the reverse of 317, namely 713, times 3 equals the sum of the leftmost and rightmost four digits of 01192020, Mr. Shiley’s 100th birthday to occur in 2020.
- Also, 317 interpreted as 31/7 represents 31 July, the day Mr. Shiley died in 2010.
- Lastly, Shiley’s birth date expressed as 0119 (January 19) equals 7 times the 7th prime number, namely, 17.
Happy 99th birthday to Donald P. Shiley!