All faculty and staff are invited to celebrate Shiley School of Engineering student and faculty accomplishments on Friday, September 8, at 3 p.m., in Shiley Hall. Engineering dean Sharon Jones and the Shiley School of Engineering community will join generous supporters and industry partners to celebrate the creative projects of our students, faculty, and campus community with the dedication of the Maker Space in Shiley Hall room 110, followed by a poster showcase from 3:30 to 5 p.m. on the third floor.
Attendees can tour the new Maker Space—this “Pilot Space” allows students from across the University to work on projects outside of the classroom, furthering their innovation mindset. The Shiley Summer Project Showcase will proudly feature student and faculty projects presented through posters and one-on-one sessions at individual tables. Engineering students have been hard at work this summer solving real-world projects in areas like solar thermal energy production, natural gas compressors, and eco-roofs.
Light refreshments will be served. Please RSVP to Kim Spir at x7314 or We look forward to seeing you!