- The sum of 97 (Mr. Shiley’s new age) and its reverse, namely 79, equals 176. Coincidentally, If numbers 1 to 26 are assigned to the letters of the English alphabet, the sum of the numbers assigned to the letters of Donald Pearce Shiley equals 176 too.
- Mr. Shiley turns 97 in 2017 where both 97 and 2017 are prime numbers. Further, 2017 is the 306th prime number where 306 equals 2 x 3 x 3 x 17 where the sum of these prime multipliers is 25 and the 25th prime number is 97.
- The reverse of 2017, namely 7102, equals 2 x 53 x 67 where these three prime numbers add up to 122 which equals 97 plus 25 where the 25th prime number is 97.
- Mr. Shiley’s new age 97 times three yields 0291 which is the reverse of his birth year, namely 1920.
- If Mr. Shiley’s 97th birthday expressed as 1/19/2017 is split as 1, 19, and 2017, these three numbers add up to 2037 which equals 21 times 97 where 21 coincides with the sum of the digits of 1/19/2017.
- Lastly, if Mr. Shiley’s birthday 1/19/2017 is split as 119 and 2017, the sum of these two numbers equals 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 89 where these prime multipliers add up to 98 signifying the fact that if Mr. Shiley was still alive, he would have started the 98th year of his life today.
Happy 97th birthday to Donald P. Shiley!
For more information contact Inan at x7429 or ainan@up.edu.