The University’s student-run news source, The Beacon, has won six national Mark of Excellence Awards from the Society of Professional Journalists. Winners include: Hannah Sievert, Feature Writing (Small School Division), “Call to the Church“ Ben Arthur, Sports Writing (Small School Division), “Tall Standards: Despite Being Undersized, Wintering and Johnson are one of the Top Backcourts in […]
Aziz Inan, engineering, had his article, “Farewell to a Brilliant Genius with Dozen Oddities,” published by Top1000 News at this link. Jeffrey Gauthier, philosophy, presented commentary on Olivia Whitney Brown, “From Suspending to Substantiating: Proust as a Resource for Hegel’s Concept of Habit,” American Philosophical Association, San Diego, March 31, 2018. Andrew Guest, psychology, contributed […]
Welcome Reception for Playwright Emilio Williams, March 23
Faculty and staff are invited to a welcome reception for comedy playwright Emilio Williams on Friday, March 23, from 4 to 5:30 p.m., in the lobby of Mago Hunt Center. The reception is generously supported by the Beckman Humor Project. Williams is an international playwright who hails from Spain, calls Chicago home, and is a […]
UP Recognized for Commitment to Clean Wind Power
The University of Portland has once again been recognized for its environmental impact commitment by virtue of participation in the Portland General Electric Clean Wind program, according to André Hutchinson, physical plant. A certificate was presented to UP representatives on Wednesday, February 28. Every year, UP self-directs the maximum percentage of public purpose charge toward […]
Chris Haug, residence life, presented “Moral Distress Among Student Conduct Administrators: A National Study” and “Emerging Professionals: Considerations for New Student Conduct Administrators based on the Theory of Professional Capital” (with Jennifer Waller) at the Association for Student Conduct Administration (ASCA) Conference in Jacksonville, Florida, on February 22, 2018. Anissa Rogers, social work, (with Melinda Laus) presented a […]
Eli Goldwyn, mathematics, recently received a “Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics (CURM) Minigrant” to fund a student research group for next academic year. The UP group will be paired with a group led by a PCC instructor. CURM is funded by a National Science Foundation grant. See more here. Ted Eckmann, environmental science, wrote […]
Ami Ahern-Rindell attended the WORLD Symposium on Lysosomal Storage Disorders in San Diego February 5th to the 9th. This international conference brings together researchers, clinicians, and patient advocacy groups to promote translational outcomes. Dr. Ahern-Rindell presented “A Variant of GM1 Gangliosidosis in a Sheep Model” based on her collaborative research with UP students. Rich Gritta, business, […]
Julie Kalnin, education, and Karen Eifler, Garaventa Center, have been commissioned by the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities to serve as architects in the development of a series of online instructional modules designed for people interested in honing their skills, knowledge, and reflective capacities related to taking on leadership roles—from department chair to president—in […]
“Catholics, Communists, and US-Cuban Relations” with Blair Woodard, Oct. 5
Blair Woodard of the UP history department will offer a lecture, “An Iconography of Enemies: Catholics, Communists, and US-Cuban Relations,” on Thursday, October 5, at 7:15 p.m., in Franz Hall room 120. In his talk, Woodard will examine the fifty-year war of images between the U.S. and Cuba and the role of the Catholic Church […]
Hannah Highlander, mathematics, published a paper with UP alumni Hannah Biegel ’15 and Alex Quackenbush ’15 titled “Sensitivity Analysis for Stochastic and Deterministic Models of Nascent Focal Adhesion Dynamics,” Int. J. Biomath. Lorretta Krautscheid, nursing, presented “ARBS and Steroids and Phosphate Binders – Oh MY! Pharmacologic management of chronic kidney disease,” a workshop presentation, at […]