Sharon Hogan, development, has been chosen as the 2017 recipient of the Distinguished Service Award, to be presented at the Northwest Planned Giving Roundtable Conference on September 28. Rev. Thomas E. Hosinski, C.S.C., professor emeritus of theology, recently had his book, The Image of the Unseen God: Catholicity, Science, and Our Evolving Understanding of God, published by […]
Remembering Howard Hall: New Library Gallery Space
The Clark Library has a new gallery space on the main floor. We invite you to visit the first exhibit, which features Howard Hall images and artifacts. Howard Hall was at the intersection of campus life for nearly a century and the historic photographs capture its construction and uses over the years. The exhibit also […]
Bob Butler, professor emeritus environmental studies, wrote and directed an animation on Japan’s Earthquakes & Tectonic Setting recently published by the Incorporated Research Institutes for Seismology (IRIS). The computer animation was done by Jenda Johnson, Earth Sciences Animated. View the animation at: this link or on youtube. John Watzke, education, presented “From Grad School to Tenure: Establishing Scholarly […]
Eduardo Contreras, Jr., international languages and cultures, presented “Legitimizing Exclusivity in Education Abroad: Roots of Selectivity in U.S. Undergraduate Study Abroad, 1950s–1970,” at the AERA Annual Meeting and Symposium: Historical Perspectives on Critical Internationalization, San Antonio, TX : April 29, 2017. On April 2-5, Sr. Angela Hoffman, chemistry, and two of her students attended the national American […]
2017 $100K Competition, April 29
The Franz Center for Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation will present its annual $100K Challenge Venture Competition on Saturday, April 29, in Shiley Hall room 301. This competition provides students with the opportunity to receive feedback on their proposed ventures from within the local entrepreneurial community, win cash awards, and move on to the opportunity to acquire […]
“What’s So Funny About a Joke?” with Mark Roche, March 23
Mark W. Roche will present the Annual Hesburgh Lecture, “What’s So Funny About a Joke?,” on Thursday, March 23, at 7:15 p.m., in Franz Hall 120. His talk will interlace humor with an analysis of the greatness and limits of Freud’s theory of jokes. Roche is Joyce Professor of German, concurrent professor of philosophy, and […]
Father-Daughter Basketball Clinic Coming Feb. 4
Make plans to join the Pilots for the annual Father-Daughter Basketball Clinic on Saturday, February 4, following the conclusion of the women’s basketball game vs. BYU. The Father-Daughter Clinic is open to all and will be run by Pilot players and coaches. For more information or to RSVP for the clinic and get free tickets to the game, […]
Larry Larsen, performing and fine arts, designed the scenery for the Portland Revel’s yearly solstice production of “Commedia Italiana,” which is being performed in the St. Mary’s Academy auditorium in downtown Portland from December 16 through Dec. 21. Elinor Sullivan, biology, published “Novel Genomic Variants Associated with Resistance to High Fat Diet Induced Obesity in […]
Susan Murray, biology, received a $40,000 grant from the Medical Research Foundation Grant for her project “The role of non-canonical NF-kB activation in human T cells.” Olivia Coiado, engineering, presented “Design and Construction of a Virtual Bioamplification Machine” with students Kevin Jones and Parker Schibel. Olivia Coiado, engineering, was chair of the session “Cardiovascular Devices […]
Genevieve Brassard, English, has been named as the new book review editor for The Space Between: Literature and Culture 1914-1945. See the journal at Tammy VanDeGrift, engineering, and computer science students Christine Chen and Sara Perkins, attended the NW Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges on October 7-8. VanDeGrift presented a paper titled “Art in Theory […]