Several members of the University of Portland mock trial team are heading to the National Champion Tournament for the first time in club history. There are around 2,000 teams at different universities across the country, and only the top 48 make it to nationals, according to the team’s coach, Perry Kantor, political science. Of the […]
Political Science
Constitution Day, Citizenship Day, Sept. 17: Resources, Information
On September 17, 1776, the delegates to the Constitutional Convention met for the last time to sign the document they had created, the US Constitution. In 2004, the US Congress mandated that any educational institution that receives Federal funding is required to hold educational programming about the US Constitution. This commemoration had its origin in […]
Malecha Steps In as Interim Pamplin School Dean
The Pamplin School of Business welcomes Tyson Distinguished Professor Gary Malecha as interim dean. Malecha joined the UP history and political science faculty in 1992 and regularly teaches courses on Congress, the Presidency, administration and public policy, American political thought, and food politics and policy in the United States and Europe. He is currently the […]
2020 Mazzocco Lecture: “American Hate: Survivors Speak Out,” Feb. 6
The annual Mazzocco Lecture on Distributive Justice will take place on Thursday, February 6, at 5 p.m., in the Brian Doyle Lecture Hall (DB 004). This year’s lecture, “American Hate: Survivors Speak Out,” will be delivered by Arjun Sethi, a human rights lawyer, author, and law professor based in Washington, DC. He works closely with Muslim, Arab, […]
Inaugural Helen Schwarten Foundations of Freedom Lecture, Oct. 24
Please join the political science and global affairs department on Thursday, October 24, at 5 p.m. in the Brian Doyle Lecture Hall (Dundon-Berchtold 004) for the inaugural Helen Schwarten Foundations of Freedom Lecture. The speaker is Michael Munger of Duke University, who will discuss his new book, Is Capitalism Sustainable? (American Institute for Economic Research, […]
Constitution Day Lecture, Sept. 17: Nick Buccola
The political science department will present its annual Constitution Day Lecture on Tuesday, September 17, 5 to 6:30 p.m., in Dundon-Berchtold room 004. Professor Nick Buccola of the Linfield College political science department will give a talk about Frederick Douglass’s constitutional theory. Frederick Douglass, of course, is the 19th century American statesman and political thinker who escaped slavery to […]
New Minor in Constitutional Studies
The political science department now offers a minor in Constitutional Studies, according to department chair Bill Curtis. The Constitutional Studies minor is an interdisciplinary liberal arts course of study that seeks to introduce students to U.S. constitutional law and its historical, political, and philosophical roots. It provides students who are considering going to law school […]
U. S. Senator Patrick Leahy to Address UP Students, Faculty and Staff on September 5
United States Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) will address University of Portland students, faculty and staff during an open conversation on Thursday, September 5 from 10-11:15 a.m. in the Brian J. Doyle Auditorium/Dundon-Berchtold Hall (Room 004). Senator Leahy is a friend of UP and the Holy Cross community; and is the brother-in-law of the late UP […]
Mazzocco Lecture: The Black Struggle for Freedom, Feb. 4
William Chafe, emeritus professor of history at Duke University, presents this year’s Mazzocco Lecture on Distributive Justice on Monday, February 4, at 7:15 p.m., in Franz Hall room 120. In his talk, “The Black Struggle for Freedom: What Black Protest Has Achieved, Yet How Much Remains to Be Done,” Chafe will shine a light on […]
Lara-Zuzan Golesorkhi To Be Honored by UN, Sept. 22: Come Watch!
Lara-Zuzan Golesorkhi, political science, will join a group of more than 40 United Nations Global Fellows from 33 countries who are being featured at a Global Summit at the UN and recognized for their work in their communities on Saturday, September 22. Golesorkhi will be attending the event at the UN that day, but her […]