The upcoming Earth Day on April 22 is the impetus for the library’s most recent guide to resources. Earth Day is an annual event to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First celebrated in 1970 and focused on the United States, it now includes events coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network in more than 193 countries. We […]
TLC Teaching Tip of the Week: Citation Help with RefWorks
As we approach the end of spring semester, your students may be working on major research projects. (Or, looking ahead to summer, you may have some research and writing projects of your own planned). Citing sources is often a less-favored aspect of the research process; the library’s RefWorks database can help! As an alternative to creating citations […]
Clark Library: UP Student Newspapers Digital Archive
The Clark Library is pleased to announce the launch of an online UP Student Newspapers Collection. In October 2019, the library received an Oregon Heritage Grant to digitize and preserve UP’s student newspapers: The Columbiad and The Beacon. It took a year and a half to digitize the print newspapers which are housed in the University Archives. Now, eleven decades (1902-2016) consisting of […]
Clark Library: Women’s History Month
In honor of Women’s History Month, we invite you to visit our guide highlighting women who have been pioneers and champions in sports in the United States. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the introduction of the initial Title IX draft to Congress (became law in 1972). Please use this guide to discover more through the Clark Library’s […]
ReadUP: Pick Up Your Reserved Book
If you reserved a copy of this year’s ReadUP book selection, How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi, head over to the Clark Library to pick it up. You can check the library’s open hours here. Didn’t reserve a book? No worries. You can read one of the many digital copies available through the […]
Clark Library: All Together Project
The library is still collecting creative works reflecting your experience of the events of 2020-2021 for the All Together project. Examples of creative works are photographs, videos, essays, poems, drawings, paintings, etc. Visit the site to see some submissions and consider adding yours! Questions? Please contact José Velazco, Clark Library, at
TLC Teaching Tip of the Week: Finding New York Times Articles
Do your students need to access current newspaper articles from the New York Times? The library subscribes to a New York Times database that provides full text articles from 1980 through today. These articles are text-only; images are not included. The New York Times database initially connects users to a screen where they can search by topic or keyword. To assist with […]
Clark Library: Digital Lab Spring Workshops
Those interested in beginning their year with some new multimedia skills are encouraged to sign up for introductory workshops on Graphic Design, iMovie, Podcasting, Canva, and more. These online workshops run from February 9 through February 25 and are free and open to current students, faculty, and staff. Visit the Digital Lab’s site to see the detailed […]
Clark Library: Black History Month
In honor of Black History Month, we invite you to visit our guide with resources about the history and accomplishments of African Americans in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) fields. Please use this guide to discover more about these pioneers through the Clark Library’s books, videos, and articles. Want us to add an item? Send suggestions to Heidi […]
Clark Library: MLK Day 2021
In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day we invite you to explore resources on the history of Black people in Oregon. The University’s keynote speaker for MLK Day On, Taylor Stewart ’18, will focus on the legacy of racism in Oregon. Our newest guide features books, eBooks, streaming videos, online articles, and websites for those […]