Don’t miss this special evening with Dr. Vandana Shiva for her talk “Earth Democracy: The Democracy of All Life.” Dr. Shiva is the author of over 20 books and was identified by Time Magazine as an environmental “hero” and by Forbes Magazine as one of the “Seven most Powerful Women on the Globe”. (Read More).
Find Student Support Resources at The Wellness Center
Looking for clarity in supporting students? We have solutions! This year, the Student Wellness Promotion team is launching a newsletter and collaboration team so folks around campus can get information and give input about effective student support practices. (Read More).
Regular Wellness Events for AY 24-25
The Wellness Center is adding several recurring events to their regular programming offerings: Recovery Meetings, Guided Meditations, and Friday Strolls. (Read More).
New to The Bluff—Schneeb Covington ’17 – Data Administrator, University Relations
We are very excited to welcome back Schneeb Covington to The Bluff. They have joined the Office of Advancement as a Data Administrator. Schneeb is a graduate of the University of Portland, class of 2017! Schneeb has previously worked within the University as Office Manager for the University of Portland Arts & Communications Department. (Read More).
Reminders for Requesting Student Development Funds (SDF)
Student Development Funds expand regular classroom instruction and research and promote student development by covering student research projects. These funds can generally support travel, lodging, food, and conference fees. You can now submit a form to request funds through the SDF Portlet; this can be found in the lower right-hand corner of the “Academic” page of Pilots. (Read More).
Clark Library: Submit Your Course Reserves Requests
Library staff are ready to set up course reserves for Fall classes! Course reserves can be online or print items and films you wish to make available to your students. We also help you with copyright screening and scan materials to meet accessibility standards. (Read More).
Now Scheduling Library and Digital Lab Sessions for Fall
The Clark Library offers instruction in two areas: information literacy and multimedia skills. Now is a great time to schedule a session for Fall before our calendar fills up! (Read More).
Introducing 2024-2025 New Faculty
The University of Portland is pleased to welcome 13 new faculty members to our community on The Bluff! Our new faculty orientation will take place on Tuesday, August 20 and introduces our newest colleagues to the University’s mission and culture, with sessions on faith and formation, the Core Curriculum, teaching, and student life. (Read More).
Stryker Chair Training (TBD)
EHS will host a Stryker chair training in September for those interested in learning how to use the chair in their building for safe evacuation for disabled or injured persons. A course date will be scheduled pending input from interested participants. (Read More)
Moodle Course Archival (Aug. 6)
Additional changes are coming to Moodle along with the upcoming scheduled version upgrade. Courses and course content created before Fall 2020 will be backed up, archived, and removed from Moodle. These course pages are not being deleted; archived backups may be restored upon request by contacting the Help Desk. This change will take place on Tuesday, August 6. (Read More).