Are you a new faculty or staff member who has not yet had their professional photo taken for the UP directory? The Office of Marketing and Communications has scheduled a professional photographer for photos on Tuesday, November 14, 1:30- 3 p.m. Please email Sara Zarit at to schedule a five-minute headshot session.
Welcome New Students!
University of Portland will welcome the Class of 2027 when Orientation begins on Thursday, August 24. Faculty and staff are encouraged to attend the President’s Welcome at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, August 25, in the Chiles Center. (Read More)
Reminder: VPN access with MFA will become mandatory on September 4
VPN access with MFA will become mandatory on September 4. Employees who regularly use the VPN are encouraged to test and use this option to identify any potential issues. (Read More)
AI (ChatGPT) On Campus: Its impact on students, faculty, and programs (Aug 21)
All faculty and staff are welcome to join one of two discussions and learn about AI tools. We will host two parallel sessions and then combine groups to share essential elements of each discussion. (Read More)
Understanding UP’s New Students: Effective Teaching Approaches (Aug 23)
Who are UP’s new students and what are the most effective ways to teach them? In this workshop, we will find out more about who our incoming (and returning students are) and identify specific strategies to engage students and assist them in reaching their career goals. (Read More)
Student Conduct Hearing Board Members and Supporters Needed
Staff in the Division of Student Affairs are looking for colleagues from across campus who are willing to serve as student conduct hearing board members and supports for students as they navigate student conduct or Title IX processes. (Read More)
Trimet Service Updates
Trimet reduced bus service during the pandemic but has been slowly making improvements to better serve our campus. Please read more for the specifics of the updates. (Read More)
Faith and Intellectual Life Discussion Group (FILDG) Meeting (Sep 22)
The first meeting of the Faith and Intellectual Life Discussion Group (FILDG) will be Friday September 22. All faculty and staff are welcome, and refreshments will be served. (Read More)
Universal Design at UP – Come Brainstorm! (Aug 17)
Curious about implementing Universal Design or Universal Design for Learning in your work? All are invited to a brainstorming/imagination session about what this could look like at UP, what sorts of training options exist, ideas for promising campus collaborations, and more. (Read More)
Looking for a disability community at UP?
Hello, everyone! I am Sarah Nuxoll, and I work in the Clark Library. For the past two years I have been gathering together with other fantastic UP employees as part of the UP employee Disability Affinity Group. (Read More)