VPN access with MFA will become mandatory on September 4. Employees who regularly use the VPN are encouraged to test and use this option to identify any potential issues. (Read More)
Join Us for The Global Perspective Seekers (GPS) First Meeting (Aug. 16)
Global Perspective Seeker is an affinity group to entice faculty and staff’s interest on issues surrounding the global communities. We want to strengthen the awareness of different aspects on issues globally and build community among staff and faculty with lived cross-cultural experience.
Register for the Leadership Fellows Formation Program for Fall by August 18. Available for all UP Faculty and Staff!
At UP, we see leadership differently. We emphasize the inclusive assertion that everyone can be a leader and express leadership through intentionally cultivated knowledge, skills, mindsets, and the leveraging of unique leadership strengths.
New to the Bluff -Amelia Hunnicutt, Events Manager
We are excited to welcome our new Events Manager, Amelia Hunnicutt, to the University Events team! Amelia is a proud UP alum, class of ’14, achieving her Bachelor of Science in Biology and a Music Minor, among other honors. Amelia was a member of the Tri-Beta National Honor Society and was recognized as the Most […]
Leadership Change at Campus Bookstore
Melanie Kellar, who has served as Manager of the University of Portland Bookstore since Spring 2021, is leaving Barnes & Noble, effective Friday, July 21, 2023. Barnes and Noble will be conducting a search to replace Ms. Kellar. In the meantime, Assistant Manager Patrick LaLonde will be filling in and any inquires may be directed to […]
July ZOOM Announcement
As we reach the halfway point in our summer session, we remind you to take a moment to ensure that your Zoom client is up to date for any summer classes, meetings, and activities. For important Zoom reminders and training resources, please see the most recent Techtalk Blog post. We hope that you are enjoying your summer!
UP Marketing & Communications recognized with two 2023 CASE Awards
The Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) is a: ” global nonprofit association dedicated to educational advancement professionals—in alumni relations, communications, development, marketing, and advancement services—who share the goal of championing education to transform lives and society”. The creative team in our Marketing & Communications department was recognized at the 2023 Circle of […]
Dress UP Clothes Closet (donation-based professional clothing)
Are you a UP student in need of business clothes? The Dress UP Clothes Closet in Franz Hall has a variety of clothing from business professional to business casual – dresses, suits, neckties, shoes, and a host of other items, either to keep or to borrow.
Student Health Center Summer Hours
The Student Health Center (primary care) will operate with limited hours this summer. Please see the enclosed schedule and contact the SHC with any questions. Thank you!