Did you know that there are patron saints for most anything, even the internet? “Patron saints” in Catholicism are venerable women and men from throughout history who are heavenly advocates for places, professions and people. It is good to know that in the oddest of times there are saints who we can turn to as […]
Campus Ministry
Patron Saints For The Current Condition: Did You Know?
Patron Saints in Catholicism are venerable women and men from throughout history who are heavenly advocates for places, professions, and people. In these unprecedented times, we’ll share some especially relevant patron saints to intercede for us all. St. Clare of Assisi is the patron saint of televisions and computer screens, believe it or not. An […]
Congregation of Holy Cross Video: We’re Praying For You
In hopes of providing a bit of encouragement to the UP community that our local Holy Cross Community is still here and praying for them, a video is available at this link. For more information contact Fr. Jim Gallagher, C.S.C., at gallaghe@up.edu.
“The Resurrection” Visio Divina
Christ conquered death and trusted the first news of that stunning feat to his friend Mary of Magdala. This 15-minute online version of Visio Divina offers you a chance to contemplate the story of the first Easter morning, with Scripture, sacred image from UP’s Saint John’s Bible, and prayerful music.
Big Change for Maureen Briare: Welcome (Back) to Nursing
Maureen Briare will be returning to her nursing career by joining the School of Nursing faculty as an instructor for fall 2020. Maureen states, “I am beyond excited for the privilege of being able to accompany students on their journey of self-discovery, synthesis of skills and information, and especially their growth as caring, loving, human beings […]
Nominations Due for Oddo Scholarship by April 13
Shortly after his untimely death in 1989, University president Rev. Thomas Oddo, C.S.C., was memorialized by faculty, staff, students, and friends with the establishment of an endowed scholarship fund named after him. Every year the University awards scholarship funds in Fr. Oddo’s name to one or more students who meet a set of criteria which includes demonstrated […]
Holy Week and Easter Triduum Live Streams
Campus Ministry will be live streaming the Triduum and Easter Liturgies celebrated by the Holy Cross Community in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher. Due to the need for social distancing, the liturgies will not be open for the public to join in person, but all are welcome to join online. The schedule for the […]
The Easter Triduum: Did You Know?
Did you know about the Triduum? As the Christian community enters into the final week of preparation for Easter Sunday, a week often called Holy Week, members of the Catholic community will begin to start talking about something called Triduum. Taken from a Latin root that mean “three days,” it is a period of time […]
Online Campus Masses, Resources for Prayer & Spirituality
Starting Sunday, March 22, Campus Ministry will be streaming and posting Sunday and Daily Mass online. Sunday Mass will be streamed at the regular time of 10:30 a.m. and Daily Masses at the regular time of 12:05 p.m. Check the Campus Ministry website for more details using this link. Campus Ministry has also gathered many […]
St. Joseph, An Extraordinary Man: Did You Know?
Did you know about St. Joseph? You only get a vague image of this extraordinary person in the New Testament. This unusual man, Joseph believes in the Incarnation, God becoming human, long before any theologian taught about this. He trusts that something special is happening in Mary, his betrothed, becoming pregnant with Jesus. As you […]