After finishing a choral concert on campus this past Sunday, a group of University Singers quickly made their way to a sold-out Moda Center to sing backup for The Eagles! Don Henley thanked the backup vocalists, with the crowd erupting in cheers for their performance.
Free COVID-19 Testing Kits
The Office of Human Resources would like to share the ways in which you can obtain FREE COVID-19 testing kits. As the University will no longer be providing free kits once the remaining supply has been distributed, the following are resources available to you: Kaiser members can go here to order tests from Kaiser Permanente. […]
Title IX Information Session and Q&A (Feb. 21)
Title IX information session and Q&A on Tuesday, February 21 (6 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.) in the Brian Doyle auditorium and also on Zoom. Tammy Herdener (interim Title IX Coordinator) will provide general information on the Title IX program, answer questions, and introduce the new Title IX Coordinator for University of Portland. All are welcome to […]
Clark Library: Learn About Open Educational Resources (Feb. 22)
Are textbooks affordable for all UP students? Open textbooks and Open Educational Resources (OER) can enhance student success by reducing the cost of course materials and ensuring that all students have access to course readings. You are invited to join Clark Library librarians Christina Prucha and Philip Vue for a one-hour, in-person discussion to learn […]
Book Discussions: The Great Believers (Feb. 23–Mar. 14)
All are welcome to participate in one or all of the three book discussions unpacking ideas and themes in this year’s ReadUP selection, The Great Believers. Each discussion occurs in the Library conference room, 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Each will focus on a different aspect of the book and be facilitated by different community members, employing their […]
You’re Invited: CAS Colleagues Event (Feb. 27)
We invite you to the second, and last, CAS Colleagues event of the year! Please mark your calendars for Monday, February 27, 11:45 a.m.–1:15 p.m. in Franz 120. Mingle, sip, chat, and take a moment to immerse yourself in the scholarly worlds of Amy Ongiri (Director of CAS Ethnic Studies Program) and Valerie Banschbach (Environmental […]
Deadline Extended! Provost’s Initiative for Undergraduate Research—Summer Applications (Due Mar. 1)
Applications for Summer 2023 Provost’s Initiative for Undergraduate Research awards are available now in the Undergraduate Research section of PilotsUP. Applications for Summer 2023 have been extended and are now due March 1. More information can be found here.
Summer and Fall Software Requests (Due Mar. 17)
As we approach the midpoint of the Spring term, it is time to think about your Summer and Fall term software needs so that they can be included in our new classroom builds. Items included on the 2022–2023 school year builds will NOT be automatically included—with the exception of internet browsers, Microsoft Office, Kaltura, Teams, […]
Seeking Nominations for the Oddo Scholarship (Due Mar. 27)
Faculty and staff are encouraged to nominate students for the Oddo Scholarship. This significant scholarship is awarded each year to one or two students who demonstrate a commitment to learning with and from others through service and community engagement grounded in their faith. This endowed scholarship was established to honor the memory of former University […]
Faculty & Staff Lenten Retreat (Mar. 31)
The Committee on Mission, Campus Ministry, the Office of the Provost, and Human Resources invite you to attend a day-long spiritual retreat for faculty and staff on Friday, March 31. The retreat will be held on campus from 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. The goal of the retreat is to provide a time for individual and communal […]