The TLC resource of the week for March 2-8 will be Catch UP Sessions offered by the students with disabilities office, a key partner in the Teaching and Learning Collaborative. Catch UP is a series of workshops for faculty and staff to help them “Catch UP” by answering questions about accommodations and providing simple tips for incorporating accessibility into course materials. The Catch UP series will take place on Tuesdays from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., in the Franz Hall Murphy Room, on the following dates: March 3 (on Confidentiality, Safety Plans and Note-Taking), 17 (on Exacerbation of Condition and the 30% Absence Limit), 24 (on Defining Accessibility for Course Materials) and 31 (on Exam accommodations). All attendees at each session will receive a coupon for a free cup of coffee.
For more information contact Melanie Gangle, health center, at