The University of Portland is committed to comprehensive, real-time communication in the event of a campus emergency including natural disasters, weapons-bearing individuals, and other situations that pose an immediate threat to the security and safety of those on campus. UPAlert is an automated communication system that simultaneously sends voice, text, and e-mail messages to all students, faculty, and staff to notify them in the event of a campus emergency.
The public safety and information services departments are working collaboratively to test, analyze, and assess the capability of the mass notification infrastructure. To this end, we will conduct a campus-wide test of the UPAlert system on Wednesday, November 5, between noon and 1 p.m. Within a minute after the alert is issued, you should receive a voicemail, text message, and two e-mail messages—one e-mail to your UP account and the other to your personal account (e.g., Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.).
Your support and participation is absolutely critical to the success of this program. If you wish to participate in UPAlert or need to update your contact information, please follow the instructions below to enter your information into the UPAlert system:
- Log in to PilotsUP.
- Scroll down to “UP Alert Contact Info” located toward the bottom of the right-hand column.
- Click “Edit.”
- Enter an “Alternate Email (non-UP).”
- Enter a “Cell/Alternate Phone” number with no spaces, parentheses, or hyphens.
- Check the check box to indicate that you agree to the terms and conditions of the UP Alert program.
- If you would like to receive a text message as well, check the box that states, “I agree to receive text message notifications (optional).”
- Click on the ‘Update’ button.
Your contact information will not be shared or distributed and you will only receive a message alert if an extreme emergency affects the campus. For more information, please visit the UPAlert page at For more information contact public safety at 7161 or