Construction on the Beauchamp Recreation & Wellness Center started on May 19 with removal of the sod and retaining wall, according to Paul Luty, director of facilities planning and construction. Job trailers were set up and fencing put in place to keep curious onlookers at a safe distance. Site excavation commenced next, with all soil removed from the site being trucked down to the River Campus to be reused for future soccer and track facilities. The oak trees and the old public safety house came down next, with the help of Fr. Mark Poorman and Jim Ravelli (pictured before their turn at the controls of the excavator). All the concrete from the old site was hauled down to the River Campus to be ground up for use elsewhere. Next the workers excavated the two lower recreation courts and started digging and setting four new stormwater drywells. The first footings for the new building will be dug and formed this week, with a concrete pour scheduled the week of June 23. The oak tree trunks will be milled to be used in the new recreation building and/or the Cove project.
For more information on campus construction projects contact Luty at 8874 or