Please join the library’s Accessibility Committee and guests in viewing a recording of a webinar from the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD).
When: Wednesday, June 14, 10 a.m. to noon
Where: Library Conference Room or Zoom
Webinar details:
“From COVID-19 to Racial Unrest: Research-Based Best Practices in Responding to Experiences of Trauma”
Zachary Lounsbury, Colorado College
Cathy Lounsbury, Antioch University
The period between March 2020 and today is one marked by extraordinary societal disruption. Amidst a global pandemic, we experienced profound racial unrest and political discord. By simply living through this time, many, including the university students we work with daily, have experienced trauma symptomatology. Students with disabilities, students of color, and students identifying as LGBTQIA+ may have elevated experiences of trauma related to these larger contextual factors. Incorporating an intentional trauma-informed approach can be effective in reducing disruptive symptoms and fostering resilience. This presentation summarizes original and existing research on experiences of trauma during the COVID-19 pandemic, broader experiences of trauma for disabled students, students of color, and students identifying as LGBTQIA+ including specific, actionable, and research-based steps for disability professionals to incorporate a trauma-informed approach into daily work. Utilizing these strategies, attendees will develop a plan for the implementation of a trauma-informed approach into their specific positions.
Questions? Please contact Stephanie Michel (michel@up.edu, 503-943-7418).