The Department of Communication Studies invites all faculty and staff to attend Valerie Maria Isabella Rathmann’s virtual thesis defense on Friday, September 9, from 9 a.m.–11 a.m. via Zoom. Valerie’s thesis, “What is Wrong with You?”: Culturally-Shaped Interpretations of Professional Identity in International Organizations is a qualitative study of professionals working in international organizations. Her study found that for participants in international organizations, a “professional identity” serves as an ideological belief system performed through different communication practices. The study contributes to research by demonstrating how professional identity is more than simply the acquisition of traits, values, or competencies, but is a socially constructed sense of self. This study illustrates how participants construct this sense of self by identifying primarily with their national culture creating tensions in international organizations. These moments of tension emerge when different, symbolic understandings of professional identity clash together and are made visible through discourse.
If you would like to attend this thesis defense, please contact Natalie Nelson-Marsh at nelsonma@up.edu for a Zoom invite.